Award/Recognition Menu
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.
Each new Fellow receives a beautifully matted and framed certificate with the name of the Fellow and a brief citation describing the accomplishment, a congratulatory letter from the incoming IEEE president and a gold sterling silver Fellow lapel pin with antique finish.
The grade of Fellow first appeared in the AIEE constitution of 1912. In that year, the AIEE revised its membership structure and established the grade of Fellow for those engineers who had demonstrated outstanding proficiency and had achieved distinction in their profession. Potential Fellows had to be at least thirty-two years of age, with a minimum of ten years' experience. When the IRE established its Fellow grade in 1914, the requirements were clearly modeled on those of the AIEE. Much of the wording in the relevant sections of the IRE constitution is identical to the corresponding wording in the AIEE constitution.
The slate of nominees is submitted by the IEEE Fellow Committee to the IEEE Board of Directors during the 3rd quarter, and the Board acts upon those recommendations at its year-end meeting. According to IEEE Bylaw I-305.5, the total number of Fellow recommendations in any one-year must not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the voting membership on record as of 31 December of the year preceding.
The nominee must meet the following three basic qualifications: have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science, and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society; hold IEEE Senior member or IEEE Life Senior member grade at the time the nomination is submitted; and have been a member in good standing and has completed a minimum of five full years (consecutive or not) of IEEE membership in any grade preceding 1 January of the year of elevation.
Nominations are only accepted through the Fellow online system. The nominator must submit a nomination before a reference or endorser can complete the support form.
It is essential that a nominator reads the How to Write an Effective Nomination document (PDF, 228 KB) carefully so that the nomination is not put at risk.
Online Nomination Process/Resources
The nomination cycle for the 2023 Fellow Class will open 15 October 2021.
Please note: The recipients listed on our website include "IEEE Fellows" elevated by UFFC-S. The Society acknowledges that there are additional members of our community that have been elevated by other organizational units of IEEE.
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
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- 1961
- 1959
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- 1955
- 1954
- 1952
- 1951
for contributions to therapeutic ultrasound and the understanding of acoustic cavitation in medicine
for contributions to the commercialization of harsh-environment microwave acoustics materials, sensors and systems
for contributions to ultrasound education and establishing technical standards
for development and clinical translation of non-invasive mechanical ultrasound ablation technology
for contributions to the development of advanced ferroelectric thin films and their sensor applications
for contributions to ultrasound imaging technology and therapy
for the development of translation of intravascular elastography for ultrasound imaging
for research of ultrasound elastography using inverse methods
for contributions to ultrasound transducers for advanced sensing, imaging, and therapy
for contributions to nonvolatile memory
for contributions to micromachined ultrasonic transducers and
integrated microsystems development, for imaging, therapy, and
for contributions advancing trapped ion microwave clocks and deep-space frequency and timing system
for applying acoustic pressure measurements to improve the safety and effectiveness of medical ultrasound
for contributions to contrast agents and contrast-enhanced ultrasound in medical diagnostics and therapeutics
for contributions to micromachined ultrasonic and optomechanical transducers and systems
for contributions on antennas synthesis and inverse scattering problems
for contribution to Chip-Scale Atomic Clock and Atomic Magnetometer
for contributions to ultrasound for cardiovascular and cancer diagnosis, neuromodulation and brain drug delivery
for contributions to the formulation, processing, and characterization of electroceramics
for contributions to speckle tracking and acoustic radiation force impulse imaging in medical ultrasound
For contributions to timing systems, and precision clocks.
For development, integration, and commercialization of novel dielectric ceramics and composites for passive integration.
For contributions to the development of advanced piezoelectrics for transducers.
For contributions to piezoelectric science and engineering resulting in novel high temperature ultrasound transducers.
For contributions to ultrasound elasticity and photoacoustic imaging.
For contributions to improving the accuracy of atomic fountain clocks.
For development of X-ray scattering methods to understand electromechanical properties of ferroelectrics.
For contributions to ion-beam processing and nanofabrication.
For contributions to ferroelectric memory development and engineering.
For contributions to ultrasound for medical diagnosis and intervention.
For contributions to ultrasound signal processing hardware and algorithms.
For contributions to medical ultrasound transducers and multimodal imaging.
For contributions to acoustics, microfluidics and microactuation.
For contributions to global time synchronization.
For contributions to image-guided therapeutic focused ultrasound.
For leadership in piezoresponse force microscopy for nanoscale Imaging.
For contributions to ultrasound transducer technology for medical Imaging.
For contributions to micro-electromechanical systems for acoustic wave devices, physical sensors, and power generation.
For contributions to piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials for high-performance electromechanical transducers.
For technical leadership in research, development and commercialization of miniature atomic frequency standards and clocks.
For contributions to the understanding and application of electroactive polymer dielectrics.
For contributions to the development and commercialization of ultrasound technology.
For contributions to biomedical microelectromechanical systems.
For contributions to microwave oscillators.
For contributions to wireless and power-line communications.
For contributions to ultrasound imaging medical applications.
For contributions in ultrasound imaging and drug delivery.
For leadership in growth and manufacturing processes of quartz.
For leadership in advancing the field of ultrasonic imaging and fingerprint identification.
For contributions to micromachined gyroscopes.
For contributions to medical Imaging and ultrasound-guided intervention.
For contributions to understanding of polarization phenomena in ferroelectric solid-solution systems.
For development and commercialization of CMOS radio frequency micro electro mechanical systems.
For contributions to piezoelectric microelectro mechanical systems.
For contributions to piezoelectric and electrostrictive actuators and electromechanical energy conversion.
For development of ultrasound diagnostic techniques for vulnerable plaque detection.
For contribution to ultrasound radiation force imaging and tissue characterization.
For contributions to ultrasound imaging methods, particularly elastography.
For contributions to medical ultrasound imaging systems.
For contributions to electromechanical characterization methods and applications.
For contributions to ultrasonic transducer technology and computer modeling of sensors and actuators.
For contributions to inverse problems and physics-based signal and image processing.
For contributions to the development of advanced piezoelectrics for ultrasound transducers.
For contributions to ultrasound temperature imaging and dual-mode ultrasound.
For contributions to pyroelectric and polarization in solid dielectrics.
For contributions to microelectromechanical systems.
For contributions to high frequency ultrasonic medical instrumentation.
For contributions to optimal methods for timekeeping and statistical theory of piezoelectric systems.
For research on properties and applications of lead-free piezoelectrics and ferroelectric ceramics.
For contributions to ultrasound and its applications in molecular imaging and drug delivery.
For contributions to fuzzy logic based image processing in biomedical informatics.
For contributions to ultrasonic metrology and acoustic microscopy.
For contributions to wavelet applications in digital mammography, and ultrasound image analysis.
For contributions to high-resolution imaging, acoustic microscopy, and advanced material characterization.
For contributions to film bulk acoustic resonators, filters, and duplexers for mobile phones.
For contributions to ultrasonic signal detection, estimation and imaging.
For contributions to acoustic wave properties of piezoelectric crystals and their application in sensors.
For contributions to ultrasonic techniques in materials evaluation and sensor systems.
For his significant contributions to the understanding of relations between crystal instabilities, anisotropy and enhancement of electromechanical properties in piezoelectric ceramics and crystals.
For contributions to piezoelectric ceramics and single crystals.
For contributions to surface acoustic wave devices.
For contributions to dielectric and piezoelectric thin films and device applications.
For contributions to frequency control and timing in military systems.
For contributions to bulk wave piezoelectric devices and applications.
For contributions to ultrasonic imaging technologies.
For contributions to medical ultrasonic imaging.
For contributions to acoustic and atomic force microscopy.
For contributions to the area of piezoelectric ultrasound transducers applied in underwater sonar.
For leadership in the development of high-temperature superconductor microwave devices, quasi-optical techniques, and millimeter-wave subsystems for space and imaging systems.
For contributions to the physics and technology of microelectromechanical systems.
For contributions to the field of ferroelectrics materials, microsystems and microelectronics applications.
For contributions to high-Q dielectric resonator technology, precision microwave oscillators and low noise phase and amplitude measurement systems.
For contributions to the field of ferroelectric materials.
For contributions to development of ferroelectric thin film devices.
For contributions to bulk acoustic resonators and medical acoustical imaging systems.
For contributions to quided wave models, instrumentation, sensors, and measurement techniques.
For contributions to engineering education.
For contributions to simulation and design for surface acoustic wave devices.
For contributions to piezoelectric composite transducers.
For contributions to thin film resonator technology and applications.
For contributions to the development of piezoelectric tranducers.
For contributions to the modeling of optical wave propagation in photonics devices.
For contributions to piezoelectric substrate materials and resonators.
For contributions to high performance rubidium gas cell frequency standards and stability analysis.
For contributions to the development of methods for solving inverse problems in the field of nondestructive evaluation.
For contributions to the field of piezoelectric materials, ultrasonic microscopy, materials characterization, and medical ultrasonics.
For contributions to microelectrical/mechanical systems and technology transfer to the marketplace.
For contributions to the understanding of dielectric phenomena related to space charge and polarization.
For contributions to the development of surface-acoustic-wave devices for mobile communications.
For contributions to and leadership in the development and industrial implementation of microwave computer-aided design technology.
For contributions to SAW devices and nonvolatile memories.
For contributions to microwave acoustic, radio frequency integrated circuits, and microwave circuits and their applications.
For a numerical theory of frequency synthesis, and for contributions to time and frequency measurements, frequency stability, and phase-locked loops.
For contributions in the development of stable frequency sources and low noise signal processing equipment.
For contributions to highly piezoelectric leaky surface acoustic waves.
For contributions to coherent wave imaging and its application to medical diagnostics and nondestructive testing, and to engineering education.
For contributions to the science and technology of frequency standards.
For contributions to the development of digital eigenfilter design, color image coding and signal compression, and to electrical education in Taiwan.
For contributions to the understanding of heart transfer and loading of liquid-immersed and dry type power and distribution transformers.
For contributions to biomedical ultrasonics.
For contributions to the design, manufacture, and understanding of quartz crystal oscillators.
For contributions to direct and inverse scattering interaction of acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic waves with matter.
For seminal contributions to acoustoelectronics, acoustooptics and microwave acoustics.
For leadership in the development and manufacture of monolithic crystal filters, quartz crystal resonators, and oscillators.
For contributions to 3D electromagnetic field modelling and coupled phenomena analysis in electromagnetic systems.
For contributions to mathematics and computation of light propagation in nonlinear and disperse optical fibers.
For contributions to the understanding of properties of normal and diseased hearts using ultrasonics, echocardiography, and myocardial tissue characterization.
For leadership in the development and application of microwave ferrite devices.
For contributions to the analysis, design and realization of telecommunication systems.
For contributions to acoustoelastic and microwave imaging.
For research and development of piezoelectric materials and integrated piezoelectric microelectromechanical sensors and actuators.
For contributions to the theory and technology of crystal filters, resonators, and monolithic filters.
For contributions to education and practice in electrostatic processes, and for fundamental contributions to electrohydrodynamics.
For the development of piezoelectric ceramic filters, SAW filters for TV and SAW filters for mobile communication.
For development of innovative nondestructive evaluation techniques and for contributions to zinc oxide technology.
For contributions to the characterization of superconducting and magnetic materials by ultrasonic techniques.
For contributions to the development of surface acoustic wave (SAW) based frequency sources, and for leadership in their application to high performance military radar systems.
For contributions to the advancement of medical ultrasound, including the development of sonoelasicity imaging and ultrasound contrast agents.
For contributions to the analysis of thickness-shear quartz resonators and surface acoustic wave devices.
For research and development in surface acoustic waves and surface optical waves.
For contributions to piezoelectric and transmission line resonators and band pass filters for telecommunications applications.
For development of microwave acoustic and semiconductor technologies for high speed signal processing.
For contributions to the measurement and understanding of ultrasound in medical applications.
For contributions to statistical signal processing and system identification.
For contributions to the development of high-stability surface acoustic wave oscillators.
For fundamental contributions to noise analysis and low-noise optimization of linear electronic circuits with general topology.
For contributions to research and development in the field of educational technology, electromagnetic compatibility, and surface acoustic waves.
For contributions to microwave solid-state circuits design applied to high-power sources.
For contributions to wide-band polarimetric metrology.
For technical leadership in the initiation and development of basic electronics research programs and for contributions to the development of surface acoustic wave devices.
For management leadership of IEEE technical activities worldwide.
For leadership in the development of low-noise microwave signal generation techniques for missile and radar systems.
For contributions to the study of dielectric materials and their application in communications devices.
For contributions to the fields of electroacoustics and medical ultrasonics and for the development of new transducers and measurement methods.
For contributions to surface acoustic wave devices and their applications.
For contributions to the development of computer-aided design for surface acoustic wave (SAW) transducers and filters.
For contributions to biomedical ultrasonics, medical imaging, and the application of VLSI devices to medical imaging systems.
For pioneering work in radar polarimetry applied to meteorology and for contributions to engineering education and research.
For contributions to research in ultrasonic imaging and tissue characterization and to biomedical engineering education.
For contributions to the development of surface acoustic wave pressure and temperature sensors.
For technical leadership in developing the concept of quantitative nondestructive evaluation.
For contributions to the analysis of electrical transients in power systems.
For contributions to ultrasound technology.
For contributions to high-resolution imaging techniques and tomographic acoustic microscopy.
For the development of monolithic microwave acoustic filters.
For developments in surface acoustic wave resonator devices.
For contributions to ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation as a quantitative measurement science.
For development of high-quality ceramic dielectric materials, and for contributions to their applications.
For contributions to the development of zinc oxide thin-film piezoelectric transducers.
For contributions to the development of microwave device applications of ferrite thin films.
For contributions to diagnostic ultrasound imaging.
For contributions to the development of low-noise acoustic resonator-stabilized oscillators.
For contributions to the development of acoustic and optical surface wave devices for electronic systems applications.
For contributions to photoacoustics, scanning tunneling, and scanning force microscopy.
For theoretical and experimental contributions to nonlinear phenomena in ultrasonic wave propagation.
For contributions to surface-acoustic-wave device research and the development of acoustic charge transport technology.
For contributions to the analysis and design of surface-acoustic-wave filters for signal processing.
For contributions to the development of instrumentation and measurement techniques for material characterization and nondestructive testing.
For contributions to biomedical ultrasound in the areas of tissue characterization, wave propagation effects, and two-dimensional imaging.
For contribution to the development and application of a cathodic sputtering technology to material processing.
For contributions to the analysis of acoustic surface wave propagation and to electrical engineering undergraduate teaching.
For contributions to the understanding of biological effects of microwave and ultrasound radiation and for contributions to advancement of hyperthermia cancer therapy.
For contributions to acoustoelectronics and the application of surface acoustic wave devices in signal processing.
For leadership in the development and application of atomic frequency standards in science, industry, and government.
For contributions to low-temperature ultrasonics and technical leadership in the development and insertion of microwave acoustic devices in space payloads.
For contributions to the development of a cesium beam frequency standard and its use in precision time measurements.
For contributions to the theory and application of spectral analysis in digital-signal processing.
For leadership in microwave acoustics with contributions to high-frequency resonators and signal processing devices.
For technical and administrative contributions to ultrasonic bio-engineering.
For contributions to ultrasonic propagation in crystals and polycrystalline solids, development of ultrasonic measurement techniques for materials evaluation, and applications of electronics and physics for nondestructive testing.
For contributions to high-voltage pulsed power systems and devices.
For contributions to the technology of quartz crystals for precision frequency control and timing.
For pioneering research on the properties of metal-semiconductor interfaces.
For contributions to the development of advanced medical imaging.
For contributions to mechanical filters.
For contributions to the theory and practice of stable microwave signal sources for communication and radar.
For contributions to the development of physical acoustics and surface acoustic-wave devices.
For contributions to the development of reflective array surface acoustic-wave filters and multistrip filter techniques.
For contributions to the field of surface acoustic wave delay line technology.
For contributions to the design of ferrite microwave devices.
For contributions to surface-acoustic-wave devices and electrical engineering education.
For development of the finite and boundary element methods and their applications to acoustic and electroacoustic simulation.
For contributions to the field of medical electronics.
For contributions to solid-state device and circuit design, and leadership in computer-aided methods for microwave engineering.
For contributions to the development of control and protection systems for HVDC transmission and of the operation and planning methods for ac-dc power systems.
For development of optical guided-wave devices and measurement techniques.
For contributions to signal processing, adaptive detection, and stochastic processes.
For leadership in the field of ferroelectric materials, and for the development of electrostrictive devices and composite piezoelectric transducers.
For contributions to the field of medical diagnostic ultrasound.
For contributions to the theory and technology of surface-acoustic-wave devices.
For contributions to the development and management of information systems for testing aerospace vehicles and for valuable services to the Institute.
For contributions to acoustooptic devices for wide-band real-time signal processing and for acoustic microscopy.
For contributions to the techniques of acoustic emission measurements in industrial process monitoring.
For contributions to the theory and development of atomic-resonance frequency standards.
For pioneering contributions to the applications of ultrasonics in biology and medicine.
For contributions to the development of electroacoustic signal processing devices.
For contributing reflective grating devices to the field of surface-acoustic-wave filters.
For contributions to the theory of piezoelectric crystals and frequency control.
For developments in ferroelectric and piezoelectric devices and materials.
For contributions to the understanding of the interaction of ultrasonic waves with living tissue.
For outstanding contributions to the analysis and development of piezoelectric devices.
For contributions to electrical machinery, power electronics, and leadership in electrical engineering education.
For contributions to space communications and space radar by leadership in the design and fabrication of high-power microwave tubes.
For contributions to microwave acoustics and their use as signal processing components.
For contributions to ferroelectric and electrooptic ceramic materials and devices.
For contributions to the understanding of piezoelectric phenomena and the development of piezoelectric filters.
For contributions to the field of hydrodynamic energy conversion devices.
For contributions to the improvement of piezoelectric crystals and frequency control devices.
For contributions to the field of electroacoustic transducers, particularly the electret microphone.
For contributions to television engineering.
For contributions to the analysis of cardiovascular systems and to the development of heart-assist devices.
For contributions to the design of atomic frequency standards and to the theory and measurement of frequency stability.
For contributions to ferroelectric materials and devices.
For contributions to the theory of microwave ferrite devices and microwave acoustics.
For contributions to microwave electronics, and to education.
For development and characterization of new piezoelectric materials that have had major impact on transducer and wave filter technology.
For contributions to the development and application of solid-state devices in consumer and computer electronics.
For contributions to the theory and development of piezoelectric devices for communication systems.
For contributions to the understanding and application of electroacoustic devices.
For contributions to the discovery and applications of surface acoustic waves.
For contributions and leadership in the field of broadcasting and television engineering.
For contributions to antenna development, microwave integrated circuit development, and the application of microwave techniques to aircraft landing systems.
For research in microwave optics and solid-state electronics.
For contributions to semiconductor electronics and circuits and pioneering of integrated circuits.
For contributions to magnetic and superconducting memory elements and their applications in computers.
For original contributions to the theory, development, and applications of varactor diodes in parametric amplifiers.
For contributions to the design of electron guns and to high frequency behavior of gaseous plasmas.
For contributions to airborne radar and optical data processing.
For contributions to parametric amplification.
For contributions to network representation of microwave structures.
For contributions to the field of electron physics.
For contributions to the development of electronic miniaturization techniques and components.
For contributions to engineering education.
For his contributions to the field of communications in both military and civilian applications.
For his contributions to the application of electronics to the study of living organisms.
For his contributions to the theory and design of klystron tubes.
For his contributions in research, teaching and administration in the fields of acoustics and speech communication.
For his developments of transmission and detection devices for frequency-modulated signals and of electromechanical filter systems.