
Paul Muralt

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Technical Area

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Paul Muralt is titular professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL at Lausanne, Switzerland. He leads a group in electroceramic thin films, particularly for piezoelectric and solid ionic MEMS and NEMS devices within the Materials Science Institute. Having a background (PhD) in solid state physics, he moved more and more into thin films, surface, and materials science for micro and nanotechnology. In his professional career he was working at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, the IBM Research Laboratory in Zurich, the Free University of Berlin, and in a thin film coating industry (Balzers) before joining the Ceramics Laboratory at EPFL in 1993. His early works dealt with incommensurate crystalline phases, and with scanning tunneling potentiometric imaging. Today, he is particularly known for his works in processing, characterization and applications of piezoelectric and pyroelectric thin films such as PbZrTiO3 and AlN, including also works on materials integration, micro machining, and device physics. He teaches thin film deposition, micro and nano structuration, surface analysis and introduction to ceramics. He authored or co-authored over 250 scientific articles (10’000 citations). He is IEEE Fellow, received the outstanding achievement award of the International Symposium of Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF) in 2005, and the C.B. Sawyer award from the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium in 2016. He acted as co-chair of the MRS spring meeting 2008, co-organized MRS and E-MRS symposia, served in program committees of ISAF and ISIF conferences, and of the European Meeting on Ferroelectricity.

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