About Frequency Control


The Frequency Control Committee fosters exchange on advances in research and development in the field of time and frequency.

International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS)

IFCS aims to highlight manufacturing methods and technologies that realize emerging products in MEMS resonator-based devices, quartz micro-clocks, and advanced atomic frequency standards.

Upcoming IFCS Symposia

Frequency Control Awards

  • I. I. Rabi Award


    To recognize technical contributions in the fields of atomic and molecular frequency standards, time transfer, and frequency and time metrology.

  • IEEE C. B. Sawyer Memorial Award


    To recognize entrepreneurship or leadership in the frequency control community; or outstanding contributions in the development, production, or characterization of resonator materials or structure.

  • Walter G. Cady Award


    To recognize technical contributions in the area of piezoelectric frequency control devices.