Mostafa Fatemi
Mostafa Fatemi
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Mostafa Fatemi received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. Currently, he is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering of Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN. At the Mayo Clinic, he is also a member of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Cancer Imaging Program, and the Center for Translational Science Activities. In addition, he is a faculty member of the Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology graduate program at the University of Minnesota Rochester. Dr. Fatemi’s current research areas include ultrasonic methods for tissue viscoelasticity estimation for applications in cancer imaging and bladder function evaluation. His past and current research has been funded by NIH, NSF, DoD-CDMRP Breast Cancer Research Program, Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and Minnesota Partnership Program. He has published extensively in the field of medical ultrasound and holds 10 patents in this field. Dr. Fatemi is an elected Fellow of these institutions: IEEE, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Acoustical Society of America (ASA), and American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM). Dr. Fatemi is a recipient of the IEEE-UFFC Distinguished Lecturer award for 2016-2017
- 2016-2017 Distinguished Lecturer
- 2012 IEEE Fellow