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The IEEE UFFC Rayleigh Ultrasonics Award represents the highest honor for achievement within the  IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC) Society in the field of Ultrasonics. The achievement may be in technical innovations, research, education, publications, and related professional endeavors. The candidate should have demonstrated sustained accomplishments in the field of Ultrasonics for more than 25 calendar years prior to the year of nomination.


$1,000, Plaque or similar engraved item, and Certificate. This is a single recipient award.


Funded by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, usually within the budget of the annual International Ultrasonics Symposium. The society’s budget includes the amount for this award AND the budget is net positive with the inclusion of the award. 


At the annual International Ultrasonics Symposium.

Historical Background

Established in 2001

Basis for Judging

Impacting achievements and contributions to the field of Ultrasonics. Examples of areas of specialty are Medical Ultrasonics, Physical Acoustics, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Surface Acoustic Wave devices, among others. Also included in the field of interest are the underlying technologies, e.g., transducers and related electronics.


The recipient shall be a member of IEEE and UFFC Society. The eligibility andselection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.

Nomination Details

The nominator is responsible for submitting the IEEE UFFC Rayleigh Award Nomination Package by following the guidance provided in the UFFC Society webpages, inclusive of the following items.: 

  • A two-page nomination letter on how the nominee has impacted the field of ultrasonics and created new opportunities for academic inquiry and/or commercial success.
  • A professional resume including a picture, a list of publications, a citation report, a list of patents, or other supporting documents (maximum 30 pages).
  • Two to four letters of endorsement  (maximum 2 pages each) in addition to the nominator’s letter. 
  • One nominator can nominate only one candidate.
  • One endorser can endorse only one candidate (provide a recommendation letter for one candidate).

All nominations must be submitted to the Chair of the Ultrasonics Award Committee by following the guidance provided in the UFFC Society web pages. Nominations should comply with IEEE Policies and restrictions on awards.  Incidents of misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of IEEE's publication policies, will be strongly considered by the awards committee and may be grounds for denial of an award or leadership position.  


Nomination Deadline
February 1st
Nomination Form