Lawrence W Kessler

Lawrence Kessler

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Lawrence W. Kessler is the past President and Chief Technical Officer of Sonoscan, Inc., a high technology firm that specializes in acoustic microscopy development, applications research and equipment sales.  Sonoscan was acquired in 2018 and he remains on the staff as a consultant. He received his BSEE from Purdue University in 1964 and the Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1968.  He was employed as a research scientist by Zenith Radio Corporation from 1968 - 1973 where he worked on developing new methods of ultrasonic visualization.  Dr. Kessler has authored over 150 technical papers and holds 20 patents in the area of ultrasonic imaging system technology and applications.  Other achievements include:
•    Past President of IEEE Ultrasonics, Frequency and Ferroelectrics Society
•    Fellow, Acoustical Society of America
•    Distinguished Alumnus, University of Illinois, Urbana
•    Outstanding Electrical Engineer, Purdue University
•    Organized the 7th and 16th International Symposiums on Acoustical Imaging 
•    Co-chaired five International Acoustic Micro Imaging Society (IAMIS) symposia through the year 2000
•    2009 National Lecturer for IEEE Ultrasonics, Frequency and Ferroelectrics Society on the subject of Acoustic Microscopy
•    Served a 3 year term on the FDA Radiation Safety Standards Committee (TEPRSSC)

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