Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize meritorious service to the UFFC Society over a sustained period of time. Typically, this service is sustained support of the UFFC Society activities in an essential capacity, for example, as Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions, or as manager of the Society’s finances, or as Chair of a major Committee, among others.
$2,000, Plaque and Certificate. Travel expenses may be covered (up to $2,000) at the discretion of the Awards Chair.
Funded by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society.
Award will be presented at one of the International Symposia of the Society, or at another appropriate occasion. Presentation will be aperiodic as deemed appropriate. Up to two (2) awards may be presented per year.
Established in 1998
Exceptional service, carrying responsibilities over a sustained period in administrative and leadership of the Society. Consideration is given to innovation of new Society programs, administration of major Committees, management of Society functions, and advocacy of the Society’s areas of interest to the larger community.
Nominees shall be a past or current member of IEEE and the UFFC Society.
Any member may submit a nomination by sending the nominee’s complete contact information, a description of that person’s main contributions (not to exceed two pages), a suggested citation, and a curriculum vitae along with the submitter’s own contact information to: (Click to show email)
For his exemplary service to promote the UFFC Society and his visionary contributions to enhance the reputation and quality of the Society’s Journal.
For outstanding and sustained service to the IEEE UFFC Society through strong leadership as chair of the Working Group for the first IEEE Standard for Relaxor-based Single Crystals for Transducer and Actuator Applications, chair of the UFFC Standards Committee, chair of symposia organization, and effective member of several committees.
For leadership in the revision of two important IEEE standards in Frequency and Time Metrology
For outstanding and sustained service to Society operations, symposia management, and enhancing communications within the IEEE UFFC-S community.
For diverse contributions and sustained commitment to the UFFC community, including scientific leadership and organizational management.
For a career of masterful leadership, dedicated service and commitment to the UFFC-Society in many positions including two Co-Chairmanships of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, International Distinguished Lecturer, and AdCom Member.
In recognition of his masterful leadership as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control.
For a career of dedicated service to the IEEE UFFC Society in many positions including symposia management, Distinguished Lecturer, elected member of AdCom, and Chair of Nominations and Awards committees.
For dedicated service to IEEE and IEEE UFFC Society through symposia organization, Editor-in-Chief of the TUFFC, President, and many other roles requiring exacting documentation and archiving.
For over three decades of service to IEEE and the IEEE UFFC Society with strong emphasis on administration, finance and governance from Section Chair to UFFC President.
For more than twenty years of commitment and dedicated service in numerous positions including elected member of AdCom, Symposia Chair and administration, Vice-President of Ultrasonics and Symposia, and UFFC-S liaison to IEEE MTT-S.
For a career of distinguished service to the UFFC Society, both as technical contributor and as leader of numerous programs
For over twenty years of leadership and commitment in a wide range of positions including President Elect and President of the Society, VP of Ferroelectrics, Co-Chair of International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, Co-Chair of IEEE Standard for Ferroelectricity, and Associate Editor of the TUFFC.
For twenty-five years of leadership and commitment in a wide range of positions including organizer of International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, VP of Ferroelectrics, UFFC symposia leadership and President of the IEEE UFFC Society.
For a long and fruitful career of outstanding Society leadership, service to its membership, and extensive contributions to the field of ultrasound via research, teaching, and publishing.
In recognition of his long-term dedication and service to the IEEE UFFC Society and for his excellent chairmanship of the Awards Committee.
For his outstanding dedication and service to the IEEE UFFC Society in numerous positions including President and his sustained Symposia and Technical Committee leadership.
For over 50 years of sustained technical contributions and services to the IEEE UFFC society at many levels.
For outstanding support and service to the offices and principles of the UFFC Society as President, Distinguished Lecturer, meeting organizer, and Associate Editor, among many other roles in and contributions to the Society.
For over twenty-five years of leadership and commitment in a wide range of positions including Officer in the local chapter, organizer of Ultrasonics Symposia, and President of the IEEE UFFC Society.
In recognition of his creative leadership in establishing the UFFC website and digital archive, his dedicated service to the IEEE UFFC Society as President as well as conference organization, standards and many other committees, and his thoughtful outreach to other technical communities.
For respected and diligent service to the IEEE UFFC-Society as President, as well as notable and enduring contributions to AdCom as Newsletter Editor, Fellows Committee Chair, Society Historian, and other positions, extending over more than thirty years.
For continuous and outstanding support and service to the office and principles of the UFFC Society as Transactions Editor in Chief, President, and Outstanding Lecturer, among many other roles in the Society.
In recognition of her long-term dedication to the UFFC Society, as well as the IEEE in its entirety, for her organizational leadership as past president and her insightful contributions in many positions enabling the UFFC Society to broaden its horizons.
For his insightful organizational leadership encompassing all fields of interest of the Society, with special appreciation for his diligent pursuit of IEEE Standards.
In recognition of his 15 years of excellent chairmanship of the Awards Committee, and for his long-term dedication and leadership of the UFFC Society.
In recognition of his vision and enterprise in editing the Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings and his dedication to strengthening communications with the wider IEEE community.
For three decades of leadership of the UFFC Society revamping the Society's operations including finance, constitution and awards, enabling the Society to broaden its horizons.
In recognition of his long-term dedication to the UFFC Society, and for his gentle, yet determined, nurturing of the Ultrasonics Committee and Ultrasonics Symposium.