Welcome to the website of IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society’s Education Committee!
The Education Committee (EdCom) of the UFFC-S was chartered in 2003. The mission of the EdCom is to promote the science and technology of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control between undergraduate, graduate students and members in the allied engineering and physical sciences.
Specific objectives of the EdCom can be summarized as:
- To expose students and members all over the world to the Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society early in their careers.
- To promote web-based education and facilitate approaches to overcome language barriers.
- To provide students a forum to interact with seniors scientists and engineers in both academe and industry.
- To provide students with career information.
- To improve communication among students.
The EdCom’s broad field-of-interest includes, but is not limited to, modern educational methods and technology, online lecture subtitle and translation, teaching materials, UFFC summer schools, history of the science and engineering.
Distinguished Lecturer Program
The Distinguished Lecturer Program is an important feature of the UFFC Society. Distinguished Lecturers are appointed and confirmed by the AdCom to serve an 18-month period. The Distinguished Lecturer is selected not only because of personal stature and contribution to a field, but also because of broad knowledge of the field.
Special Topics Schools
The IEEE-UFFC Society is supporting a series of Special Topic Schools covering current and important topics in the field of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. The IEEE-UFFC-S is subsidizing the registration fees of student members of the UFFC-S to participate in the schools. These Special Topic Schools are presented by experts on each topic. The week-long Schools consist of lectures and hands-on lab activities through which participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the topic.
UFFC-S Education Committee
The UFFC-S Student Advisor, Web EIC, WIE Chair, and Membership and Data Analytics Chair shall also be Members of the Committee. The Committee shall actively promote the UFFC-S through educational programs, including generating proposals for fellowships funded by industry, educational courses at various institutions, educational webinars, and tutorial or review-like papers for IEEE TUFFC and UFFC-S symposia. The Committee shall also consider other educational opportunities such as Summer School and Student Design Competitions at the symposia and other meetings sponsored by the UFFC-S if the Committee feels that these activities would benefit a large number of people.
No Current Incumbents
No Current Incumbents