Srinath Rajagopal
Srinath Rajagopal
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Srinath Rajagopal is a Principal Scientist and the Science Area Leader in the Ultrasound and Underwater Acoustics group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK. Dr. Rajagopal holds a Ph.D. from University College London. He has broad experience in the field of medical ultrasound measurement science, having worked for over 15 years at NPL and 2 years at Precision Acoustics Ltd., UK. Dr. Rajagopal has delivered contracts by leading a team of experts to supply primary standards to National Metrology Institutions in Europe and Asia. He is skilled in ultrasound field characterization and acoustic property characterization of materials, the development of novel instrumentation, and the application of numerical modeling. He represents the UK on the International Electrotechnical Commission TC87/WG8 Ultrasonics and is the project leader for the hydrophone calibration standard IEC 62127-2. Dr. Rajagopal is the UFFC Website Editor-in-Chief and previously served as Web/App Co-Chair at IUS 2019.
- 2023-Present Website Editor-in-Chief (Editors-in-Chief)
- 2023-Present Website Editor-in-Chief (Newsletter Editors)
- 2023-Present Website Editor-in-Chief (Education Committee)
- 2023-Present Website Editor-in-Chief (Administrative Committee)