Ultrasonics Awards

Three IEEE awards are presented annually at the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. The Rayleigh Award has been given annually since 2001. The IEEE Ultrasonics Early Career Investigator Award and the IEEE Carl Hellmuth Hertz Ultrasonics Achievement Award were established in 2014.

The deadline for nominations for these awards is 1 March of the year of evaluation.

Ultrasonics Awards

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2023 UFFC-S Awardees

Congratulations to the 2023 UFFC-S Awardees!
8 months 3 weeks ago
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Awardee Post

Congratulations to the 2023 UFFC-S Awardees!

Your dedication and excellence in the field of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control are truly remarkable. You're an inspiration to us all!

Achievement Award: Ahmad Safari
Distinguished Service Award: Zuo-Guang Ye

IEEE Carl Hellmuth Hertz Award: Michael Kolios
IEEE UFFC Rayleigh Award: John Vetelino
IEEE Early Career Investigator Award: Pengfei Song

IEEE Ferroelectrics Recognition Award: Hong Wang
IEEE Ferroelectrics Young Investigator Award: Jian Shi & Min Hyuk Park
IEEE Robert E. Newnham Ferroelectrics Award: Thomas R. Shrout

Frequency Control: 
I. I. Rabi Award: Helen Margolis
IEEE C. B. Sawyer Memorial Award: Aaron Partridge
Walter G. Cady Award: Sunil Ashok Bhave

Awards Information & How to Nomination