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UFFC-S President's Message - 2013 - Jacqueline H. Hines

10 years 11 months ago
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Greetings and Welcome…

The Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society is a Society of the IEEE, with an international membership of over 2200 technologists. The UFFC Society’s goal is to provide opportunities for technical development and technology advancement, through interdisciplinary technical meetings, tutorials, and networking opportunities related to our field of interest. Operated and led by volunteers, our Society actively seeks the ideas and help of our Society members to support both our technical programs and our administrative activities. Please contact me if you have suggestions, or would like to become involved in any way.

The field of interest of the UFFC Society includes theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to:

  • The generation, transmission, and detection of ultrasonic waves and related phenomena.
  • Medical ultrasound and associated technologies.
  • Ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and piezomagnetic materials.
  • Frequency generation and control, timing, and time coordination and distribution.

This interest ranges from fundamental studies to the design and/or applications of devices, sensors, systems, and manufacturing technologies within the general scope defined above. In addition, the UFFC-S takes an active interest in emerging technology areas related to its core technologies, and is a sponsoring Society of the IEEE Biometrics Council, the IEEE Council on Superconductivity, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council, and the IEEE Sensors Council.

The diverse but interrelated technologies of interest to the UFFC-S have enabled a wide range of product and technological advances that benefit society, including advanced medical imaging and diagnostics, sensors, lead-free electronic components, synchronization for telephony and data transport, and precision timing technology for Global Navigation Satellite Systems, among others.

The UFFC Society is organized into three technical groups, as our name implies. We typically hold three symposia annually, with an objective of strong collaborative interchange and a special focus on the students who study our technologies. Subject matter experts from within our community volunteer to teach tutorials and short courses at these symposia. Occasionally, all three technical areas join for one large joint meeting, as will be the case in 2013. These meetings offer a great opportunity to network with colleagues and customers, as well as to learn and to hear about the most recent advances in the field. More detailed information about each of these meetings is available on the conference websites.

Should you be interested in hosting a local technical meeting, keep in mind that our Society provides Distinguished Lecturers who are available to travel and speak to groups about some of the exciting aspects of our technology. Speaker travel expenses are underwritten by the Society, to encourage widespread utilization of these fascinating and entertaining speakers. The current UFFC-S Distinguished Lecturer is Mike Driscoll, previously with Northrop Grumman. His lecture: “Low Noise Signal Generation and Verification Techniques” is available until the end of December 2013. The Society Distinguished lecturer program has overlapping 18-month terms, and Professor Takaaki Tsurumi of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, will also be available to give his lecture: “Frequency and Field-Intensity Dependence of Dielectric and Piezoelectric Responses of Oxide Ferroelectrics” starting July 1, 2013. More information on these speakers and their presentations, along with future selectees, can be found.

Thank you for your interest in the UFFC Society, more information on Society membership can be found at IEEE.

Jacqueline H. Hines
President IEEE-UFFC Society
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