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UFFC-S Distinguished Lecturers Met with the Student Branch Chapter at Simon Fraser University

1 year 9 months ago
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The Student Branch Chapter of the UFFC-Society at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby, Canada, led by its president Tara Nazari, had the esteemed privilege of hosting two eminent professors of our field, Dr. Ahmad Safari from Rutgers University and Dr. Andrew Bell from The University of Leeds, as the IEEE-UFFC Ferroelectrics Distinguished Lecturers in May 2023.

On May 8-9, Prof. Ahmad Safari visited SFU and delivered an enlightening lecture titled "Advances in the Development of Piezoelectric Materials for Transducer Applications." In his lecture, he reviewed the history of the discovery and development of piezo-/ferroelectric materials, extensively covering the properties of Pb-based piezoelectric materials in various forms such as bulk ceramic, single crystal, composite, and thin films. Additionally, he discussed the electromechanical properties and acoustic characteristics of various lead-free materials, emphasizing the most promising compositions for medical imaging and high-power applications. Following the lecture, Prof. Safari graciously engaged in a meeting with the members of the Student Branch Chapter. This meeting provided an invaluable opportunity for the students to seek his expert guidance for our ongoing projects and his advice on tackling the challenges they face.

Prof. Andrew Bell visited SFU on May 23-24. His distinguished lecture titled "Take It to the Limit: A Story of Piezoelectric Materials and Devices for Extreme Conditions" offered a unique and contemporary perspective on the fundamental scientific research and business development of piezoelectric materials. His captivating narrative traced the evolution of a curiosity-driven research topic in ferroelectric materials, which has ultimately blossomed into a thriving business generating an annual revenue of over $2 million and counting. Prof. Bell's meeting with the UFFC Student Branch Chapter members proved to be an exceptional occasion for them to learn from his expertise, bridging the realms of science and industry, and addressing many of the challenges inherent in their ongoing projects and future endeavors.