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Student Pitch Competition at IUS 2022

Students at IUS 2022
2 years 3 months ago
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Contributed by: Maryam Basij and Yashwanth Nanda Kumar, IEEE UFFC-S Student Representatives

Student Pitch Competition IUS 2022

Student Pitch Competition Announcement IUS 2022

The Student Pitch Competition was held on Thursday, October 13, 13:00-14:00 CEST during the 2022 International Ultrasonics Symposium. The purpose of this competition was to give students an opportunity to showcase their skills in preparing and delivering a concise summary of their research. The event was held in a hybrid format with a projection screen and AV system provided on-site, so both online and in-person attendees could be present and follow the event simultaneously. During this hybrid event, the participants presented their work in a one-minute rapid-fire format, visually supplemented with a single PowerPoint slide. Pitches were judged based on four primary criteria: clarity of speech, clarity of results, slide layout, and overall impression.

In total, twelve students participated in the pitch competition and presented some really great work, and it was a really close call on the final winners. Hearty congratulations to Tönnis Trittler from the Dresden University of Technology for winning the Best Overall Pitch Award ($100 cash prize) with Honorable Mention awards ($50 cash prize) presented to Connor Krolak from the University of Washington, and Akash Nair from Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics. These awards were announced at the conclusion of the event, after the judges made their final determinations, and were further recognized during the Student Awards session on the final day of the IEEE IUS 2022 conference.

Student Pitch Competition Winners

Student Pitch Competition Winners

Best Overall Pitch: Tönnis Trittler from Dresden University of Technology, “Development of novel ultrasonic transducers for biomedical imaging”

Diagram of development of ultrasonic transducers

Development of novel ultrasonic transducers for biomedical imaging

Honorable Mention: Connor Krolak from the University of Washington, “Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Perfusion Metrics with Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound”

Process Chart for Hepatocellular Carcinoma diagnosis

Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Perfusion Metrics with Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound

Honorable Mention: Akash Nair from Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics, “a-plane AlScN that make surface acoustics waves great again”

a-plane AIScN

a-plane AlScN that make surface acoustics waves great again

All participants received a certificate of participation from the IEEE IUS 2022 General Co-Chairs. We are extremely grateful to the judging committee members for taking the time to participate in this event and evaluating the pitches.

The IUS 2022 Student Pitch Competition judges were:

  • Dr. Arunima Sharma (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Dr. Richard Lopata (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Dr. Xuegong Shi (SonoScape Medical Corp)
  • Dr. Leela Goel, (Shockwave Medical Inc.)
  • Dr. Emma Harris,(Institute of Cancer Research, London)
The IUS 2022 Student Pitch Competition judges

Student Pitch Competition judges

Overall, the event feedback was extremely positive from the competition participants as well as other spectators, with survey respondents indicating afterward that they thought that this event should be organized in future conferences. One attendee wrote, “I loved to have a chance to participate in this event.”

Pitch Competition Feedback IUS 2022

Student Pitch Competition Feedback

Thank you to everyone who attended or participated in the IUS 2022 Student Pitch Competition! Stay tuned for more information on new and exciting student events at IEEE IUS 2023.