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Student Events at the IEEE IUS 2023

Montreal, Canada
1 year 4 months ago
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The student events at IUS 2023 were organized by the Student Events chairs, Arnaud Héroux and Muhammad Ashikuzzaman, and the UFFC-Ultrasonics student representatives, Yashwanth Nanda Kumar and Samantha Schafer. There were four events organized by the Student Events committee. On the evening of the first day of the conference, on Sunday September 3rd, 2023, it was the Student Social with 139 registered students. It was followed the next day by the Mentorship Luncheon where the students had the chance to discuss with mentors from academia and industry in a formal round table discussion luncheon. The Mentorship Luncheon was a collaborative organization between the Women in Engineering, the Young Professionals, and the Student Events committees. There were 67 attendees, including 23 mentors and 44 students. Then, on Wednesday, it was the Student Pitch Competition where 14 students presented a two-minute presentation with a single slide in a format of an elevator pitch in front of a crowd of 135 registered students. There were one winner and two honorable mentions, with prizes of 100$ US and 50$ US, respectively. The last event was the Student Professional Networking on Thursday morning with 110 registered students. The students had the opportunity to connect with multiple leaders in the ultrasound community from academia and industry. 

“Student Pitch Competition” winners are:

  • Xinyue Huang, Best Overall 
  • Mohammad R. Sobhani, Honorable Mention
  • Yuma Kuroda, Honorable Mention

“Student Paper Competition” winners are:

  • Luuk Verhoef, “Imaging Human Brain Vasculature Using Ultrafast 4D Ultrasound”
  • Cyprien Blanquart, “3D Microvascular Monitoring with a cMUT RCA Ultrasound sensor: Towards Wearable Applications” 
  • Masoud Mohammadgholiha, “A New Generation of Piezoceramic Frequency Steerable Acoustic Transducers for the Rapid Inspection of Large Areas of Metallic Plate Structures” 
  • Zeping Gao, “Deciphering Metabolic Heterogeneity of Acoustically-Constructed Pancreatic Microenvironment Model by Mass Spectrometry Imaging” 
  • Zachary Schaffer, “A Solidly Mounted 55 GHz Overmoded Bulk Acoustic Resonator” 
  • Matthew Mallay, “The Acoustic Lightsaber: an 8 mm Endoscope with High-Resolution Imaging and Electronically Rasterized Histotripsy”