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Student Activities at IFCS in New Orleans, May 2016
June 16, 2016
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Bringing along their newest ideas and most creative techniques, students from all over the world attended the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS) in New Orleans, LA, USA in May. The UFFC Society showed their appreciation and support for students through Student Travel Awards, a Student breakfast for networking and five Best Student Paper Awards. Special congratulations for the five Student paper awards!
- Ruonan Liu ("RF-Powered Micromechanical Clock Generator")
- Etienne Vaillant ("Phase Noise Measurement of AlN Contour-Mode Resonators")
- Liron Stern ("Chip-Scale Atomic Cladding Wave Guides for Optical Frequency References in the Telecom and NIR Regime")
- Maribel Maldonado-Garcia ("Miniaturized Aerosol Impactors with Integrated Piezoelectric Thin Film Resonant Mass Balances")
- Maxime Favier, ("Frequency Ratio of a Mercury Optical Lattice Clock with Primary and Secondary Frequency Standards")
Best student paper award winners. From left to right: Ruonan Liu, Etienne Vaillant, Liron Stern, Maribel Maldonado-Garcia, Maxime Favier.