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Student activities at 2015 International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics

July 20, 2015
9 years 8 months ago
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In May 2015, UFFC-S hosted the IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectric (ISAF). The symposium was held jointly with the International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF), and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop (PFM). This was the biggest event in ferroelectric research field in 2015 and students all over the world attended this conference. UFFC-S provided a grand platform for the students to present their research results, share ideas and experiences with their peers, learn from the senior researchers and build network with other research fellows. UFFC-S was dedicated to promote this event and help students to have a better experience in the conference.

Student Travel Awards. Considering the opportunity of students attending conferences overseas is usually limited by the financial constraints, UFFC-S provided travel fund to student members with excellent research work. It helped talented students to have an opportunity to present their result to other researchers in the field, and encouraged them to achieve more in the future.

Student poster competition. UFFC-S also hosted a student poster competition. 15 students' posters were selected to be the finalists and 5 students won the best student posters competition. The winners included Daisuke Ito from Nagoya University, Japan ("Fabrication of Tetragonal Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Nanorods by Focused Ion Beam and Characterization of the Domain Structure"); Maciej Rokosz from Imperial College London, United Kingdom ("Spatial and Time-Resolved Direct Measurement of Electrocaloric Effect Using Infrared Thermal Imaging"); Weng Heng Liew from National University of Singapore, Singapore ("Polarization Orientation and Enhanced Properties in Piezoelectric P(VDF-TrFE) Nanotube Array"); Veronika Kovacova from CEA-LETI, France ("Composition Gradient Effect on the Phase Transition of Morphotropic Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Films"); and Anirban Ghosh from University of Twente, Netherlands ("Tuning the Polarization Switching Dynamics Through Polarization Coupling in a PbZrxTi(1-x)O3 / ZnO Heterostructure for Neuron Like Synaptic Memory"). Congratulations to the winners!