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Registration Open for IUS 2022

2 years 7 months ago
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Register Here

Registration fees will be processed in USD and are inclusive of VAT. Please visit this page to view the currency conversion.

In-Person Registration Includes: 

Access to all in-person technical sessions, plenary talks, invited talks, networking events, welcome reception, gala dinner, conference breaks and exhibition hall, access to the CONFlux virtual platform, digital download of the IUS proceedings.

Lunches are not provided. Additional welcome reception tickets may be purchased for $52.00 each and dinner tickets for $118.00 each.

Virtual Registration Includes: 

Access to all technical sessions, plenaries, and invited talks live-streamed through the CONFlux virtual platform, live Q&A opportunities, on-demand presentations, hybrid networking events, digital download of the IUS proceedings.

Registration Rates

AUTHORS: At least one author (the presenter) from each paper must be registered for the conference by September 5, 2022. All authors who wish to participate in the conference (including virtually) must complete a registration. 

The early registration deadline is September 5, 2022.

Registration Type In-Person (Early Bird Rate) In-Person (Regular Rate) Virtual Rate

IEEE Member








IEEE Student Member




Student Non-Member




IEEE Life Member




Retiree Member




Become an IEEE Member

*Recent graduates: If you are still in your first year past graduation/completing your PhD, you may register at the student rate. 

*The one day rate is $470 USD. This is not valid to cover a paper registration and does not include social events.

LMIC Discount

***Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries are granted a 75% discount. IUS 2022 will recognize countries on this list (only those in the Low-Income or Lower-Middle Income sections). Please contact Brianna Orr to be provided a discount code – you will need to provide a photo ID including your country. This is only valid for VIRTUAL registrations.

The discount does not apply to short courses.

Bank Transfers

If you need to pay via bank transfer, please complete this registration form and send it to Brianna Orr, Conference Manager. The deadline to register via bank transfer is September 26, 2022.

Group Rate Registration

If you have 3 participants from the same organization completing a paid registration for IUS 2022, you can receive up to 7 complimentary VIRTUAL registrations for colleagues within the same organization (registration type of equal or less value). *Email domain MUST be the same.

Process: Once you have 3 registrations completed, please send the confirmations including registration type (screenshot is accepted) to Brianna Orr, as well as a list of email addresses who should receive the complimentary registrations. The Conference Manager will then provide a specific discount code to that group, and they will be able to register.

*Please note: All presentations will still need a PAID registration associated with the presenting author.

Short Courses Add-On (In-Person)

You must complete a full registration to add short courses at the below prices.

The deadline to register at the early bird rate is September 5, 2022.

Registration Type 1 Course (Early) 1 Course (Regular) 2 Courses (Early) 2 Courses (Regular)

IEEE Member/Non-Member





Student/IEEE Life Member/Retiree





Short Courses Add-On (Virtual)

Registration Type 1 Course (Early) 1 Course (Regular) 2 Courses (Early) 2 Courses (Regular)

IEEE Member/Non-Member





Student/IEEE Life Member/Retiree





Short Courses Only (In-Person)

If you would like to purchase short courses ONLY, please see pricing below.

Registration Type 1 Course (Early) 1 Course (Regular) 2 Courses (Early) 2 Courses (Regular)

IEEE Member/Non-Member





Student/IEEE Life Member/Retiree





Short Courses Only (Virtual)

Registration Type 1 Course (Early) 1 Course (Regular) 2 Courses (Early) 2 Courses (Regular)

IEEE Member/Non-Member





Student/IEEE Life Member/Retiree





Cancellation Policy

Notification of cancellation must be sent by email to Brianna Orr. Cancellation is only valid if you receive an acknowledgment from the organizers.

A refund less a $50.00 administration fee will be provided for cancellations received on or before Monday 15th August 2022. No refunds will be made after this date.

Participants unable to travel for visa issues or travel restrictions can request to switch the onsite registration to virtual registration with a partial refund (the difference between registration fees) at any time before Friday 23rd of September 2022 by email to Brianna Orr. It will be necessary to show justification of the travel restriction and registration conversion to virtual is only valid if you receive an acknowledgment from the organizers. Virtual registration can be converted, upon request, to onsite registration. The payment made for the virtual registration will be subtracted from the applicable onsite registration fee.

In the event that the symposium has to be switched to a virtual event due to circumstances outside the control of IEEE IUS, onsite registrations will be switched to virtual registrations and a refund of the fee difference will be issued. IEEE IUS will not be liable for any other travel or accommodation costs incurred by participants. Delegates must arrange their own travel insurance.