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Nominations sought for VP Ultrasonics

November 16, 2020 | Contributed By - Sandy Cochran, VP Ultrasonics
4 years 4 months ago
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The position of Vice President for Ultrasonics (VP Ultrasonics) will be vacated on 1st January 2021. Nominations are therefore sought fill it, with a deadline of 30th November 2020. The VP for Ultrasonics serves as the chair of the Ultrasonics Standing Committee. The Chair is expected to gather information from IEEE documents, from other IEEE Societies, and from non-IEEE groups, where appropriate, to establish a point of reference for UFFC-S operations, and to maintain awareness of the status of the Society within its sphere of interest. The VP for Ultrasonics is the primary liaison between USSC and UFFC-S AdCom and is expected to take the initiative to inform AdCom of developments which may affect it, preparing written and oral reports for presentations to AdCom at its meetings. The post is appointed by the President, UFFC-S, and must be ratified by an affirmative vote of a majority of all Elected AdCom Members. In turn, USSC must recommend to the President a minimum of two individuals considered qualified for the role. Nominations from within and outside USSC are allowed, including self-nominations. Candidates interested in the role are expected to be members in good standing of UFFC-S and the ultrasonics community. At least one of the recommended individuals should come from a technical group different from the existing VP Ultrasonics, in the present case different from Transducers and Materials. Rotation across technical groups, geographic regions, and other aspects of diversity will be considered by USSC in recommending candidates. Each nomination should be accompanied by a one page biography of the candidate outlining their qualifications for the post. Nominations should be sent by email to Zuleima Davis, (Click to show email), with a copy to Sandy Cochran, VP Ultrasonics, (Click to show email).