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Membership Notification: Updates to UFFC Constitution and Bylaws

5 months ago
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The IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S) recently ratified updates to its Constitution and Bylaws at the AdCom meeting in Taipei last month. These important changes, now set to take effect in January 2025, reflect a comprehensive effort to modernize the Society’s governance and align with current IEEE practices.

Highlights of the Ratified Changes

  1. Membership Category Updates: The revised Constitution ensures that membership categories now fully align with IEEE standards, providing a clearer structure for UFFC-S members, affiliates, and students. This also improves the clarity of voting rights and privileges across categories.
  2. AdCom Structure and New Roles: A significant shift in the Society’s structure includes the introduction of two new Vice President roles: Vice President for Education and Vice President for Community, Connection & Diversity. These additions demonstrate UFFC-S’s commitment to broadening its educational initiatives and fostering a more inclusive community. The Executive Committee (ExCom) has also been formally defined to improve oversight and streamline decision-making processes.
  3. Hybrid Meeting and Voting Practices: Acknowledging the modern needs of a global organization, the updated Bylaws formally permit hybrid meetings and remote voting options, ensuring broader participation in AdCom decisions and more flexible meeting arrangements.
  4. Streamlined Governance: General “clean up” throughout both the Constitution and Bylaws ensures that the documents reflect current practices, including up-to-date parliamentary procedures, financial guidelines, and clear committee structures. These updates provide greater clarity and alignment with IEEE’s governing documents.
  5. Enhanced Committee Roles: The new Bylaws more clearly define the responsibilities and reporting structure of UFFC-S’s standing committees, including the new Education and Community, Connection & Diversity committees. These changes ensure that all committees are equipped to support the Society’s goals and initiatives effectively.


These changes were ratified by the AdCom at the Taipei meeting in September 2024, and they will officially take effect in January 2025. The Society encourages all members to familiarize themselves with the updated Constitution and Bylaws as UFFC-S continues to evolve its governance to meet the needs of its global membership and the broader scientific community.


View Updated Bylaws


View Updated Constitution