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IFCS-ISAF 2020 from July 19th to 23rd

May 10, 2020 | Contributed By - Wei-Chang Li, Frequency Control Newsletter Editor and Marco Deluca, Ferroelectrics Newsletter Editor
4 years 10 months ago
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Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the IFCS-ISAF 2020 organizing and technical program committees have strived to be able to hold the conference as planned from July 19th to 23rd, 2020. With significant remote participation anticipated, the technical program this year will be very attractive. It includes more than a dozen tutorials and 4 plenary talks (2 from IFCS and 2 from ISAF), as well as a large number of invited and contributed talks and posters. The tutorials are arranged in 4 technical tracks—2 IFCS tracks on the topics of (1) atomic clocks and optical combs and (2) time keeping, synchronization, and noise; one joint track between ISAF-PFM on characterization techniques, and one IFCS-ISAF joint track on the topic of thin film ferroelectric materials and devices.

Accommodations for significant remote participation mean that the meeting will include both synchronous (live) and asynchronous (e.g., pre-recorded) content, so check the website in June for final program details.