IEEE UFFC Distinguished Lecturer Final Report: 2021-2023
Title: Precision Metrology with Photons, Phonons and Spins: Answering Major Unsolved Problems in Physics and Advancing Translational Science
By: Prof. Michael Edmund Tobar, The University of Western Australia
Prof. Tobar’s distinguished lecture term of office was from July 2021 to December 2022, however because of the pandemic, he got off to a late start, with the first one given at the University of Tasmania in December 2021. His term of office was extended through to 2023 due to the pandemic, and he managed to give 30 lectures across Asia, Europe and America, despite the pandemic, with the final one delivered at ETH Zürich, December 2023.
His lectures promoted international collaboration and cooperation in the discipline of precision frequency metrology, quantum measurement, and its relation to detecting fundamental physics. While pursuing some of the best tests of fundamental physics to search for solutions to dark matter, quantum gravity, the search for gravitational waves, and the mystery of time, he also showed how such quests leads to major advances in technology, such as precision oscillators and clocks for radar and telecommunications, gravitational gradient detection and a new range of quantum sensors for a broad range of disruptive technologies.
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