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IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - 2027 Call for Proposals

1 year 9 months ago
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The International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) is the annual Ultrasonics conference organized and sponsored by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S). The conference rotates through three continents, including America, Asia, and Europe.

The upcoming IUS conference locations include:
IUS 2022: Venice (Europe)
IUS 2023: Montreal (N. America)
Joint IFCS-ISAF-IUS 2024: Taipei (Asia)
IUS 2025: Utrecht (Europe)
IUS 2026: Raleigh, North Carolina (N. America)
IUS 2027: Now Accepting Bids (Asia)

The Ultrasonics Standing Committee (USSC) of the UFFC Society welcomes research groups to bid for the organization of IUS 2027, to be held in Asia. Please note that IUS typically takes place in September or October.

  • The proposal consists of a written document and a short presentation.

  • Please keep the proposal document below 10 pages including supplemental materials.

  • The proposal document submission due date is Sunday, 27 August 2023.

We ask that you prepare an approximately 10-minute video proposal presentation at the USSC meeting during the 2023 IUS which will be held on 3 September 2023 in Montreal, Canada.
Please contact Steven Freear at (Click to show email) with any questions. 

2027 IUS Proposal Application

Proposal and Budget Guidelines
Basic items expected in the proposal:

  • Host country

  • General Chair name(s)

  • Other volunteers who have agreed to support the organization of the symposium

  • Venue city (give the details of the city)

  • Possible venues (e.g. University/Hotel/Conference Centre) 

  • Preferred dates 

  • Potential for sufficient guest accommodation

  • Potential transportation suggestions: flight time, airport, connection airport, train, bus, taxi to the venue

  • Potential partner conferences

  • Potential sponsorships and exhibitors

  • Draft budget template

  • Local conference management service (only if required by the municipality bidding)

The guidelines for the budget template are as follows:
Email (Click to show email) to receive a copy of the budget template. 

  • The budget spreadsheet covers the main typical revenue and expenses that we use to compare conferences and prepare budgets for IEEE. This should be self-explanatory; however, please do not hesitate to ask questions as they arise

  • Do not change anything in the cells highlighted in purple

  • Do not change the registration fees or quantities listed on the Revenue tab

  • You may change the exhibits and patron quantities/revenue on the Revenue tab (please provide company/government support letters based on the figures entered)

  • You may change the social function costs, AV, and meeting room rental (if applicable) on the Expense tab

  • Note the gratuity and tax charge line item on the Social Functions tab (cells G67, H67, I67). This charge varies based on location so please update accordingly if needed

For questions regarding the budget template, please contact UFFC-S Admin at (Click to show email).

2027 IUS Proposal Application