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From the Desk of the Transactions Editor in Chief: Peter A. Lewin

December 21, 2020 | Contributed By - Peter A. Lewin, TUFFC Editor in Chief
4 years 3 months ago
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With Annus Horribilis 2020 behind us and with the year of Covid 19 vaccine in the offing, on behalf of the Transactions of UFFC I would like to thank the authors for choosing Transactions as their publication vehicle.  Also, once again, I would like to express my gratitude to the whole Editorial Board for dedication and outstanding service enhancing the quality and reputation of the UFFC Transactions. Special thanks and acknowledgement are due to the Guest Editors of the just published Special Issues on Covid 19 (November 2020) and Deep Learning (December 2020), and the Guest Editors of the Special Issues scheduled for Publication in January (Brain Imaging and Therapy) and February (Contributions of Women in Ferroelectrics Research and Development).

With the advent of Open Access Journal the New Year will be a pivotal time for the Transactlions. There will be much more work to do, but I am convinced that we will meet the challenge and substantially enhance the number of citations and further increase  our Impact Factor. This will be accomplished through reinforcing the high quality of our peer-review standards, fostering an inclusive culture and engaging and mentoring our Young Professionals by introducing review and manuscript writing “boot-camps”.

Wishing you all a Wonderful New Year!