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Call for Proposals - 2024 Ferroschool in Europe

1 year 7 months ago
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Please return this form to Michelle Dolgos (Click to show email) by 25th September, 2023.

Make sure your answers are precise and to the point. Please limit your entire application to no more than 2 pages with answers in font size 12.

  1. Briefly describe the venue including dates. The workshop should ideally be held between Sept-Dec of 2024. Bear in mind factors such as adequate space, reservations, local arrangements, suggested hotels and proximity to meeting space, social/networking events etc. Describe your team and include any prior experience in conference management. (30%)
  2. What is your intended registration fee? Keep in mind UFFC requires the student registration fee to be lower than that for non-students. How did you come to this figure? Please present a rough budget. (30%)
  3. Financial model- UFFC will allocate some funds (US$20k) for the workshop. The host will need a larger budget to cover additional costs. What is your financial model to cover those costs? Please provide evidence that the school organizers have sufficient experience of budget and financial responsibility. (30%)
  4. Please comment on your ability to offer the workshop to virtual attendees. Describe your facilities for video recording and/or videocast and comm and any costs associated with this. (10%)