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Call for Nominations: Deputy Vice President for Ferroelectrics

3 years 4 months ago
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The IEEE UFFC Society’s Ferroelectrics Standing Committee invites nominations (including self-nominations)
for consideration as Deputy Vice President (VP) for Ferroelectrics.

The Deputy VP for Ferroelectrics serves as the Deputy Chair of the Ferroelectrics Standing Committe (FerroCom). FerroCom, presently constituted of 44 voting members who are scientists and engineers from 20 countries, organizesthe development of technical activities related to Ferroelectrics and promotes the UFFC Society as the focal point of Ferroelectrics activities. This includes, but is not limited to, the selection and oversight of the annual International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF). The Deputy VP for Ferroelectrics duties include assisting the VP for Ferroelectrics with operations and strategic planning of the FerroCom, chairing the FerroCom meetings in the absence of the VP for Ferroelectrics, or when a motion involving the VP for Ferroelectrics is being discussed and voted upon, and representing FerroCom to the UFFC-S AdCom in the absence of the VP for Ferroelectrics. In accordance with the UFFC-S bylaws, the Deputy VP for Ferroelectrics cannot vote by proxy in the UFFC-S AdCom, though may be invited to participate in the meeting discussion.

Interested persons are asked to: 1) submit a 1 page cover letter expressing their interest in, and qualifications and ideas for, the Deputy VP position by January 9, 2022, and 2) present their interest, qualifications, and ideas in 5 minutes or less at a hybrid (virtual + on site) January 19 2022 FerroCom meeting and answer questions from FerroCom members. After the presentation, FerroCom will have discussions in absence of the candidates and a secret ballot vote.

The Deputy VP appointment will commence at a time February of 2022 that is decided by consensus between the selected candidate, VP for Ferroelectrics and the current Deputy VP for Ferroelectrics.

Candidates that enable rotation across technical groups, geographic regions, and other aspects of diversity are encouraged by FerroCom and the UFFC Society in the selection process. Nominations from within and outside FerroCom are allowed, including self-nominations.

Questions about this process and candidate nominations should be directed to Jon Ihlefeld, Secretary for Ferroelectrics, at (Click to show email).