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Call for Bids for the 5th UFFC Ferroschool

9 months 2 weeks ago
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IEEE UFFC is now taking bids to host the 2025 Ferroschool, which will take place in North America.  This is a great opportunity to get involved in the community without having the stress and pressure of hosting a big conference.   The School will ideally be scheduled for 5 days within Sept-December 2025 but there is room for flexibility if necessary.  Typically, there are 30-50 participants and UFFC provides $20,000 USD in support and the host uses a combination of sponsorship and registration costs to cover the remaining balance.  This is an exciting experience that our students have always spoken highly of as they learn about the basics in the field and get to network with scientists and other students in ferroelectrics.  

Please fill out the below EOI form and return it to Michelle Dolgos (Click to show email) by 9 August 2024 (please use this personal email as Michelle will be transitioning jobs to Oak Ridge National Lab at this time). Please also cc Jon Ihlefeld at (Click to show email).  Any questions can be sent to Michelle at (Click to show email).