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Awards Ceremony IUS 2016

January 25, 2017 | Contributed By - Sandy Cochran
8 years 1 month ago
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Plenary Session and Awards

Ayache Bouakaz opened the plenary session with a welcome address to the delegates, followed by the awards ceremony. The 2016 Ultrasonics Early Career Investigator award went to Alfred Yu, University of Waterloo, Canada, for his outstanding work in ultrasound flow imaging and therapeutic ultrasound biophysics. Vincent Laude, FEMTO-ST, CNRS, Besançon, France, was the very worthy recipient of the Carl Hellmuth Hertz Ultrasonics Award for his contributions to the physics of phononic crystals and of the interaction of light and sound. Finally, Jim Miller was given the Rayleigh Award for sustained, high impact research in ultrasonic tissue characterization and quantitative echocardiography. Not only is Jim a very highly distinguished academic, but his research has been incorporated into commercial echocardiographic imagers used on patients around the world.

[caption id="attachment_3784" align="aligncenter" width="596"]Jim Miller (left), Vincent Laude (centre), and Alfred Yu (right), award recipients in 2016. Jim Miller (left), Vincent Laude (centre), and Alfred Yu (right), award recipients in 2016.[/caption]

The symposium was also the occasion on which two UFFC Society awards were presented. Jian Yu Lu received the Distinguished Service Award for his work as the President of UFFC-S and Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, and for many contributions to symposium organisation. Mickael Tanter accepted the 2015 UFFC-S Outstanding Paper Award with his team, comprising Jean-Luc Gennisson, Jean Provost, Thomas Deffieux, Clement Papadacci, Marion Imbault and Mathieu Pernot, for their paper on “4-D Ultrafast Shear-Wave Imaging”, describing a technique that paves the way for real-time 3-D shear wave elastography.

IUS 2016 Awards Ceremony
Mickael Tanter (3rd left) and his team accept the 2015 UFFC-S Outstanding Paper Award, flanked by Jan Brown, Chair of the Awards Committee (left) and Clark Nguyen, UFFC-S President (right)