2nd 2015 AdCom Meeting In conjunction with the 2015 International Ultrasonics Symposium, TICC, Taipei, Taiwan, October 25, 2015
The second 2015 UFFC AdCom Meeting was held on October 25, 2015 at the Taipei International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan. There were 38 in attendance and 9 WebEx attendees.
Normal business was conducted including receiving reports from the Officers and Committee Chairs of the Society. Ten (10) motions that were voted electronically between the last AdCom meeting and this one were read into the minutes. Four (4) motions were made and voted on during this meeting, three (3) were approved, and one (1) defeated.
Some highlights of the meeting included:
- Current UFFC President Jian-yu Lu was recognized for his outstanding service to our Society. He was presented with a plaque by the incoming President, Clark Nguyen. Jian-yu passed the "Gavel" to Clark whose term will begin in 2016. Thank you Dr. Lu for your many contributions to UFFC as president for the past two years.
The results of the 2016-2018 elected AdCom members was announced by Jackie Hines:
- Patrizia Tavella (FC & Region 8)
- Michael Tobar (FC & Region 10)
- Shujun Zhang (Ferroelectrics, Region 1)
- Georg Schmitz (Ultrasonics - Group 1, Region 8)
Congratulations to these nominees, we look forward to working with you on AdCom in the next few years. We would also like to thank the Elected AdCom members whose terms are expiring at the end of this year for their dedicated service to our Society. Those members are, James Miller, Paul Muralt, Matteo Rinaldi and Xiaoli Tan.
- The slate of nominees for President-Elect was presented by Jackie Hines the Chair of the Nominations Committee. The slate was made up of four (4) very qualified candidates who presented their ideas and goals for UFFC's future, Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, Paul Reynolds, Clemens Ruppel and Jafar Saniie. The vote was very close but it is with great pleasure we announce Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb to be the next President-Elect. Nazanin is from the Ferroelectrics area of UFFC, she will be President-Elect for 2 years and her Presidential term will begin in 2018. Nazanin will also be the General Chair of the 2017 ISAF Conference to be held in Atlanta, Georgia.
- New Student Member promotion is being implemented that will provide free gifts to new and renewing student members. The gift will be a mug that is being designed by students. The establishment of the online store process is underway now, we hope to being providing this service in 2016.
- A revised UFFC-S Travel Policy has been approved and is available on the UFFC-AdCom website.
- Mike Garvey, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee announced the plans to hold an industry networking job fair at the 2016 IUS in France.
- A motion was approved to transfer $20,000 to the IEEE History Center Fund for documenting the history of IEEE since 1984.
- A report on a new IEEE Initiative for Smart Materials was presented by Geoff Brennacka. The report is available to all AdCom members on the UFFC-AdCom website.
- Lori Bridal is the new Newsletter Editor-in-Chief and the Newsletter is being transitioned to a news section on the UFFC-S website.
- Publication of the UFFC-Transactions is being transitioned from FASS to IEEE. One reason is to take advantage of the pre-print tool which will make papers available much earlier.
- There is a new UFFC Society video that was shown at IUS and is now available for showing at all conferences. The video is very good quality and is a great promotional tool for the Society.
- A new online nominations submission process for all awards is being developed. More information will be coming as development continues.
- Three Oral Histories have been taken this year, Franz Seifert for Ultrasonics, Alex Mueller and Vladimir Fridkin for Ferroelectrics. Sidney Lang will be appointed as the new History Chair beginning in 2016.
- Youtube videos are now available on the UFFC Education website that include educational materials for each area of UFFC-S.
- Two new UFFC-S Chapters have been launched, Shenzhen Chapter in China and FEMTO-ST Chapter in France.
There was a wonderful AdCom dinner at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan with beautiful music provided using instruments from the Chinese culture. There was also a tour provided of the museum. Thank you to Pai-chi Li for arranging this event and to his wonderful sister for being our tour guide in the museum.