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The 2023 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications Successfully Held in Chengdu (SPAWDA 2023)

By Ji Wang
10 months 3 weeks ago
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The 17th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2023) with over 300 participants was held successfully at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, November 10-12, 2023.  As the tradition, the Symposium is sponsored by the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM) and the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (IEEE UFFC-S), and this year the Symposium was organized by Sichuan University, Chengdu University, and Sichuan Normal University.  Professor Taiping Hou, also Vice President of Sichuan University, Professor Qingyuan Wang, Also President of Chengdu University, Professor Ning Hu, also Vice President of Hebei University of Technology, Professor Wentao Jiang, also Vice President of Sichuan Normal University, and Professor Qingguo Meng of National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), attended the Symposium. Professors Weiqiu Chen of Zhejiang University and Ji Wang of Ningbo University, who is also the representative of the IEEE UFFC to SPAWDA, also presented at the Symposium.  There were over 300 participants in the SPAWDA 2023 from over 60 universities, research institutes, and 10 corporations in the SPAWDA 2023. 

In the opening ceremony, Professor Taiping Hou made greeting remarks on behalf of Sichuan University with a brief introduction about the University and research programs on piezoelectricity and applications with the appropriate theory of mechanics.  Professor Weiqiu Chen recounted the history of the SPAWDA and encouraged the participation and interactions of academics and industry.  Professor Qingyuan Wang greeted participants on behalf of the CSTAM and suggested the participation of researchers from the solid mechanics community in the piezoelectric structures and devices.  The ceremony was chaired by Professor Xiaobao Tian, the Symposium co-chair at Sichuan University.

In the two-day conference, there were seven plenary talks covering major subjects related to piezoelectric materials and devices with applications in electronics, sensor technology, communications, and healthcare.  As a tradition, 6 best student papers were selected from over 40 student presentations.  In the awards session of the Symposium, Professor Ji Wang emphasized the current IEEE UFFC-S support to the SPAWDA, and encouraged the organizers to prompt the Symposium to more international audiences, with the Asian region in particular, as part of the UFFC-S goal for a global presence and coverage in the important field.  Professor Ji Wang also encouraged participants to join the IEEE to expand the technical exchanges with the international community.

In this year, the conference received 142 contributions, among them there were 42 students in the student paper competition, and 121 papers were received after the Symposium.  After a rigorous review process, 77 papers were included in this year’s proceedings.

The Executive Committee of the SPAWDA announced that the next Symposium will be organized by a team headed by Professors Hongwei Ma and Xueqian Fang, Dongguan University of Technology, in November of 2024 in Dongguan, Guangdong Province.