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2016 IEEE UFFC Society Travel Support for the NIST Time and Frequency Seminar!

April 7, 2016
8 years 11 months ago
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UFFC is pleased to announce the opportunity to sponsor up to 10 students to attend the Frequency and Time Seminar at NIST in Boulder, Colorado this summer, in June. See the NIST website for details about the seminar: If you are interested in attending, please fill out the following application form:

The registration fee will be paid directly from UFFC funds. Airfare and hotel expenses (double occupancy) will be reimbursed. Most meals are provided by the hotel (breakfast) or by NIST. Students are responsible for transportation to and from Denver airport and meals not covered by NIST.


Your application will be reviewed by members of the Frequency Control Standing Committee and the Education Committee.

We hope this program helps generate a long term interest in a career in Frequency Control and also that we will be able to offer this opportunity in future years.