2016 IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics

August 21-25 2016, the IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics was jointly held with the European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics and the Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy in Darmstadt, Germany.
The conference attracted 497 participants (including 167 students) from 41 countries on 6 continents. The general co-chairs, Prof. Jürgen Rödel and Prof. Kyle Webber welcomed delegates at the opening session. With support from the IEEE UFFC-S, JECS (Journal of European Ceramic Society) Trust, and DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) organizers were able to provide funds contributing to travel for 57 students (37 international and 20 European) and 27 early-stage researchers.
There were 5 plenary talks, 307 oral presentations and 202 posters (including 32 posters in the student poster competition). Social and networking events included the Early Stage Researcher Mixer, the Women in Engineering Panel Discussion, the Welcome Reception, the Conference Banquet, and a dinner cruise on Rhine River. The Early Stage Researcher Mixer attracted a record number of 140 participants, and the Welcome Reception was held in the historical Herrngarten.
The winning papers in The Student Poster Competition were:
Mechanistic insight into varistor piezotronics using doped ZnO bicrystals - Peter Keil, Technische Universität Darmstadt.
Solid-state cooler as an array of multifunctional cantilevers: simulation & experiment - Andraž Bradeško, Jožef Stefen Institute.
Effect of texturing on the polarization switching Dynamics in ferroelectric ceramics - Guillaume Nataf, CEA Saclay.
Effect of texturing on the polarization switching dynamics in ferroelectric ceramics - Jan Schultheiß, Technische Universität Darmstadt.
Epitaxy, optical and acoustical properties of X-, Y-, and Z-axis oriented LiNbO3 thin films on sapphire substrates - Stefania Oliveri, Institute FEMTOHST.
Chemical solution deposition and characterization of (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-(Bi0.5K0.5)TiO3-Bi(Zn0.5Ti0.5)O3 thin films - Ashley Mason, Oregon State University. The UFFC-ISAF Photo/Illustration Competition was also held for the first time to stimulate and attract student participation and involvement with the society. The gold prize winner was Lakesh Rana from the University of Delhi, India for a scanning electron microscopy image titled "Piezo Skyline."

Three important society awards were bestowed at the conference banquet to recognize significant professional achievements. The IEEE UFFC Society Ferroelectrics Recognition Award is presented annually to honor members of the Society for outstanding achievements in their scientific work as well as in promoting the ferroelectrics community. The 2016 winner was Professor Jürgen Rödel from Technische Universität Darmstadt for "his significant contributions to the research and development of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and promotion of international collaboration."

The Robert Newnham Ferroelectrics Award honors investigators in the field of dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroic materials that have contributed significantly to the understanding of structure-property relations. It was awarded to Professor Susan Trolier-McKinstry for "her fundamental contributions and scientific leadership in structure-property relations of piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials, resulting in tremendous impact in the discipline".

The Ferroelectrics Young Investigator Award recognizes scientists/engineers, 40 years of age or younger, for their contributions to fundamental research, integration, application or education in Ferroelectrics. It was given to Dr. Jon Ihlefeld for "significantly advancing the processing and integration science of thin film ferroelectrics for practical applications".