2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2015)
The 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2015) was held successfully in the spring-city, Jinan, China from October 30th to November 2nd, 2015. SPAWDA 2015 was organized by the State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials and School of Physics, Shandong University, with the support of Ningbo University. This year's conference, as the tenth since its inception in 2004, again was sponsored by professional and academic institutions including Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM), Acoustical Society of China (ASC), and the IEEE UFFC-S. There were nine invited plenary talks and nine invited session talks from leading researchers of universities and industries, and covered all the topics of SPAWDA2015. There were 230 participants come from China, United States, Canada, Germany, Russia, Japan, and South Korea including professors, engineers, industrial leaders, and graduate students closely related to piezoelectric/ferroelectric materials, physical acoustics and wave propagation, piezoelectric devices, ultrasonics, acoustic imaging and broad applications in electronic and medical industries. There were 187 abstracts submitted to the conference, while 160 abstracts were selected for oral presentations and finally 120 papers were included in the proceedings, which will be published as an IEEE publication available through the IEEE Xplore. The conference has been continuously holding in different cities in China with international participation within the IEEE UFFC-S community. The general chair of SPAWDA 2015 is Professor Xu-tang Tao, who is the director of the State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials of Shandong University. The co-chairs of the Organizing Committee, which is responsible for the conference this year, are Professors Xian Zhao and Chun-lei Wang of Shandong University.