2015 Meeting Photos and Videos
The photos and videos taken during the 2015 IEEE UFFC-S 1st AdCom meeting (April 11, 2015), 2015 IEEE IFCS (April 12-16, 2015), 2015 IEEE ISAF (May 24-27, 2015), Frequency Control Committee meetings in Atlanta (February 14-15, 2015), Ultrasonics Committee meetings in Chicago (May 30, 2015), and others are now accessible from the IEEE website at:
The videos can also be accessed directly via the following YouTube links:
Channels to view all IEEE UFFC-S videos:
- http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyCJrgfmWLEQ48-rN6bMjmg/videos
- http://www.youtube.com/user/ieeeIUS/videos
Or, newer individual videos can be accessed as follows:
At 2015 IEEE IFCS, Denver, CO, USA, April 11-16, 2015:
- https://youtu.be/6XpGXdjjD80 - 2015 1st UFFC-S AdCom meeting
- https://youtu.be/vfJkLI5qbtg - Plenary Session
- https://youtu.be/yB-FyBpoLnk - Banquet/Student Paper Awards
- https://youtu.be/wEbvhAzhWqc - President's Reception
- https://youtu.be/Jnye-A1f_Es - President's Student Reception
- https://youtu.be/t6o5gZsxb2k - Women-in-Engineering Meeting
- https://youtu.be/Moc7PSMJAec - Post-Conference Review
- https://youtu.be/-2-pzG7VkZY - Registration
- https://youtu.be/6wFuh8-iYbM - Exhibits and Posters
- https://youtu.be/8mjX8bUQotQ - TUFFC Associate Editor Luncheon
- https://youtu.be/uWwzMUPppSA - Strategic Planning Meeting
- https://youtu.be/b01olFetQDw - 2nd FCSC Meeting of 2015
- https://youtu.be/jYMbUeo8JeM - 1st TPC Meeting of 2016 IEEE IFCS
At 2015 IEEE ISAF, Singapore, May 24-27, 2015:
- https://youtu.be/hn5jLcwvv9I - Opening Session
- https://youtu.be/cbKOeYA5gd4 - Banquet, Awards, and Shows
- https://youtu.be/OPclZAsFTL0 - President's Reception
- https://youtu.be/yd0V_LGPLIY - President's Student Reception
- https://youtu.be/YYjK9-AI9-w - Women-in-Engineering Meeting
- https://youtu.be/Nqa3lwN732o - Welcome Reception
- https://youtu.be/rgfnWzTXpq0 - Exhibits/Posters/Registration etc
- https://youtu.be/PHzLsPjNZr4 - 2nd FerroCom Meeting of 2015
UltraCom and IUS TPC meetings, Chicago, IL, USA, May 30, 2015:
- https://youtu.be/igrf0laWX6M - 1st UltraCom Meeting of 2015
- https://youtu.be/t7oeQ7U2tZY - 2nd TPC Meeting of 2015 IEEE IUS
FC and IFCS TPC meetings, Atlanta, GA, USA, February 14-15, 2015:
- https://youtu.be/1JVuEHSYyO8 - 1st FCSC Meeting of 2015
- https://youtu.be/aT1wRh0ZA4I - 2nd TPC Meeting of 2015 IEEE IFCS
- https://youtu.be/LA0h1_2rIrs - Introduction to the IEEE UFFC-S
- https://youtu.be/2c6gCnDAKqk - 2015 IEEE POCO, Glasgow, UK
- https://youtu.be/-GiutmEb0lQ - 2015 IEEE Awards Ceremony