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1st TPC Meeting to Plan for IEEE IFCS’18

August 10, 2017 | Contributed By - Sheng-Shian Li, Newsletter Editor for Frequency Control
7 years 7 months ago
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[caption id="attachment_4674" align="aligncenter" width="329"]IFCS'18 planning IEEE IFCS’18 1st TPC meeting in Besançon, France on July 11th 2017.[/caption] The first TPC meeting of IEEE IFCS’18 was held on July 11th 2017 at the joint EFTF-IFCS in Besançon, France. Dr. Aaron Partridge, General Chair for IFCS'18, and Prof. Dana Weinstein, TPC Chair, animated the meeting.

Location, location, location

Dr. Partridge reported that IFCS'18 will be held in Squaw Creek Resort, Lake Tahoe from May 21st to 24th, 2018. Bringing all the attendees to a relatively isolated location aims to intensify communication among the participants both at the meeting and during the social events.

Assuring top content

The organizers expect to have around 220 attendees. Prof. Weinstein presented the meeting outline including (1) symposium timelines  (2)  potential candidates for plenary and invited speakers and (3) special session proposals from all six groups of IFCS. The IFCS planners then split into six groups for detailed discussions concerning  candidates for plenary and invited talks and possible special sessions. For example, Group 1 of the IFCS TPC has proposed :

  • new topics: opto-mechanical resonators, 2D material based resonant systems, piezoelectric and high electro-mechanical coupling resonant transformers, resonators for harsh environments;
  • plenary talks: possible invitation of a speaker from DARPA to talk about “Ultra low power RF and sensing applications for resonant MEMS and systems”;
  • invited talks: acoustically driven antennas, underwater sensing systems and applications, ferroelectric materials, high power and harsh environment resonant systems;
  • special sessions: resonators and MEMS devices for IoT and short range communication applications and resonators and MEMS devices for bio-sensing applications.
Save the date

With such a great location and exciting program in the works, start making your plans for IFCS'18! [mks_col] [mks_one_half][/mks_one_half] [mks_one_half][/mks_one_half] [/mks_col]   [mks_col] [mks_one_half][/mks_one_half] [mks_one_half] [/mks_one_half]   [/mks_col]