Ferroelectrics Awards – Nominations Due January 15, 2021
Extended Submission Deadline : January 15, 2021
The Ferroelectrics Awards committee of the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC) Society asks your help in identifying and nominating outstanding individuals for annual awards offered by the Society:
IEEE UFFC Ferroelectrics Recognition Award (FRA)
IEEE UFFC Ferroelectrics Young Investigator Award (FYIA)
IEEE Robert E. Newnham Ferroelectrics Award
Descriptions of the awards and criteria for eligibility are available on the IEEE UFFC Awards website. Awards will be announced during the ISAF meeting in Sydney, Australia to be held 16-20 May 2021. Award recipients are expected to attend the ISAF meeting to receive the award. For all awards, membership of IEEE UFFC at the time of the award is a strict requirement. Nominations for all awards are due no later than January 15, 2021 and should be submitted via email to (Click to show email).
Feel free to disseminate this information to others in the broader technical community. Active collaboration between the nominator and the nominee in the preparation of the nomination package is encouraged. Self-nomination is permitted. No supplemental materials will be considered.