UFFC-S Newly Approved Constitution
The new UFFC-S Constitution has been approved by the IEEE. It is published here for general comment from the Society membership during a 30 day period beginning from the 19th of July, 2017. In the absence of objections during this period by at least twenty members compelling reconsideration by AdCom, it shall take effect. Any comments should be submitted to [uffc_email email="(Click to show email)"].
The new UFFC-S Constitution was revised from the 2010 version to comply with IEEE governing documents and IEEE Best Practices. Some highlights of the new UFFC-S Constitution are given as follows:
(i) Made to comply with IEEE governing documents and IEEE Best Practices.
(ii) Added a section to specify how to remove a member of a UFFC-S governing body.
(iii) Clarified the procedure to fill vacancies in the UFFC-S governing bodies.
(iv) Changed the procedures to amend the UFFC-S Constitution and Bylaws to comply with IEEE new requirements, and clarified the procedures.
(v) Clarified terminologies such as "Society Affiliates", "Associate Members", and "UFFC-S Voting Members".
(vi) Made terminologies used in both the UFFC-S Constitution and UFFC-S Bylaws consistent.
(vii) Added titles to various subsections.
(viii) Made corrections to grammar.
(ix) Made various other clarifications.