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1st 2015 AdCom Meeting

June 3, 2015
9 years 9 months ago
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In conjunction with the 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Marriott Hotel, Denver, Colorado
April 11, 2015

The first 2015 UFFC AdCom Meeting was held on April 11, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel in Denver, Colorado. There were 45 in attendance and 3 WebEx attendees.

Normal business was conducted including receiving reports from the Officers and Committee Chairs of the Society. Five (5) motions that were voted electronically between the last AdCom meeting and this one were read into the minutes. Twenty one (21) motions were made and voted on during this meeting, sixteen (16) were approved, one (1) amended, three (3) withdrawn and one (1) defeated.

Some highlights of the meeting included:

  1. President Jian-yu Lu reporting that Dr. John Vig was inducted into the Hall of Honor of IEEE TAB "For improving operations and processes of the IEEE Technical Activities Board"
  2. An additional Distinguished Lecturer has been added as approved at the previous AdCom meeting. Dr. Susan Trolier-McKinstry has received this award.
  3. The 5-Year review of T-UFFC has been completed and the preliminary result is "Successful" with a comment from PRAC of "This is a very healthy publication with an excellent track record".
  4. The 5-Year review of the UFFC Society has been completed with the preliminary result being the SRC is satisfied with the UFFC-S Report.
  5. UFFC-S has become a member of the IEEE RFID Technical Committee with a commitment of $5,000 per year for at least 3 years, Don Malocha has been appointed as the representative.
  6. A UFFC-S Student Branch Chapter is forming at the University of Southern California (USC) in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Section. Other UFFC-S chapters are under development.
  7. There was discussion about the UFFC-S current email databases and policies, an Ad Hoc committee will be established to develop guidelines to be presented in October at the next AdCom meeting.
  8. A new project was introduced for recording slides plus audios for the three UFFC-S annual conferences.
  9. IUS-UltraCom has developed a new Operations Manual, IFCS is currently in the process of developing one as well.
  10. A project was presented by the Strategic Planning Committee to provide membership "Perks" to student new members and renewing student members. Regular members can opt to purchase the gift at the time of their membership submission. The initial gift will be a "mug".
  11. An Industry networking event (job fair) will be held at the IUS 2016 in France.
  12. UFFC-S will be donating $5,000 to the IEEE History Center.
  13. An Ad Hoc committee will be formed to develop charitable support projects that relate to UFFC supported technologies.

There was a wonderful AdCom dinner at the Buckhorn Exchange, one of the oldest restaurants in Denver founded in 1893.