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IEEE TUFFC Started Accepting Submission of Multimedia Manuscripts on August 1, 2003

August 1, 2003 | Contributed By - Jian-yu Lu, 2002-2007 Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TUFFC
21 years 7 months ago
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On August 1, 2003, the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (TUFFC) started to accept submission of multimedia manuscripts via its Manuscript Central website. Detailed information for preparation and submission of multimedia manuscripts is in the "Information for Contributors". An example of PDF multimedia file is at here. The multimedia contents (color pictures, sound, movies, or animations) can be accessed by clicking on appropriate multimedia icons within the PDF file.

If you don't have a fast internet connection, or you want to avoid difficulties due to complicated layers of internet security settings, you may download the following zip-compressed file to your computer for a smooth playback of multimedia contents. After unzipping the file, a folder (directory) "mexample" that contains all relevant multimedia files is produced. In this folder, please open the file, mexample.pdf, and then click on the icons in the file for your multimedia experiences. The zip-compressed multimedia example is downloadable from here. For your convenience, multimedia icons (zip compressed) for production of TUFFC are also available for your use. The file is downloadable from here.