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Call for Nominations for IEEE Council on RFID Officer Positions (2020-2021)

March 10, 2020
5 years ago
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The UFFC Society is a member society of the Council on RFID.

The Council on RFID is seeking nominations for the following VP officers:

VP Conferences (2020-2021),
VP Publications (2020-2021),
VP Technical Activities (2020-2021),
VP Member Services (2020-2021),
President Elect (2021).

Nominations should be submitted by filling in the google form at this link:
by Monday March 17th, 2020, 7:00pm New York time.

Please note:

  • Self-nominations are accepted.
  • Current holders of the positions who are completing a first term as of 31 December 2019 are eligible for the ballot to serve a second term but they must have a nomination form submitted.
  • The position of President-Elect is a one-year term with a four-year commitment, as the normal progression is from President-Elect (one-year term) to President (two-year term) and then to Past-President (one-year term). 
  • ADCOM members, please forward this message to your societies.

If there are any questions, please send them to (Click to show email)

With Very Best Regards
Gisele Bennett, PhD
Nominations Committee Chair (2020), on behalf of the CRFID Nominations Committee