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2020 IEEE-UFFC Frequency Control Standing Committee Meeting

May 5, 2020 | Contributed By - Wei-Chang, Newsletter Editor Frequency Control
4 years 10 months ago
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Due to the uncertainties in international travel caused by the corona virus, the 2020 IEEE-UFFC Society Frequency Control Standing Committee (FCSC) Meeting, originally scheduled to be held on Mar. 7th, 2020 at the Crawford Hotel in Denver, was held by teleconference on Mar. 10th, 2020. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Ekkehard Peik, the Vice President for Frequency Control. Dr. Elizabeth Donley, the former VP for FC, attended the meeting as a Vice Chair. Dr. Paul Reynolds, the UFFC Society President for 2020-2021 also attended the meeting.

The main outcomes of the meeting were the following:

  • The attendees welcome the new members for the FCSC this year: Ekkehard Peik as the SC Chair, Azadeh Ansari as the Academic Chair, Davide Calonico as the International Chair, Troy Olsson as the 2020 Tutorials Chair, and Philip Feng for the AdCom ’20-’22.
  • The Chair presented updates on the Distinguished Lecturer, Oral History Interviews and UFFC Support for summer schools. The DL award committee has nominated Prof. Gaetano Mileti for the new FC DL and UFFC-S Adcom has approved this nomination. Two applications were received for the summer schools. Ekkehard Peik will follow up with the summer schools for concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • IFCS-EFTF 2019 in Orlando was summarized by Debra Coler and John Kitching. Despite the lower attendance than expected, the conference was very successful financially. Issues encountered during paper submission system were mentioned by John Kitching.
  • For the preparation of IFCS-ISAF 2020, Dana Weinstein, the IFCS 2020 GC, presented the contingency plan for COVID-19, including several possible options for how the conference may be held due to the crisis and ideas to increase online participation. The causes for the relatively low submission rate this year, particularly for Groups 3 and 5, were discussed. In addition, a few days before the SC meeting, EFTF’20 was announced to be canceled due to the uncertainty due to the pandemic. The potential to transfer the already accepted papers from EFTF to IFCS was discussed.
  • The preparations for EFTF-IFCS 2021 and IFCS-EFTF-ATF 2022 were presented by the General Chairs Eric Burt and Tetsuya Ido, respectively. EFTF-IFCS 2021 will be held at the Cité des Sciences museum in Paris, April 25-29, 2021. IFCS-EFTF-ATF 2022 will be held in Toyama Conference Center on May 15-19, 2022 (tentative). 2023 options in the Americas were briefly discussed and will continue at the next meeting in July.
  • Information on awards and proceeding publication were presented. The status of IEEE Standards Revisions on 1193 and 1139 were also briefly presented. James Camparo, Awards Chair, suggests to simplify the awards procedure to encourage more nominations.

[1] Update: The officials from the two groups have now agreed that EFTF will join IFCS-ISAF 2020. The accepted ETFT authors can choose to participate in IFCS-ISAF 2020 and their abstracts will be automatically transferred to the IFCS-ISAF 2020 system.