2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada September 6-11, 2020
The IEEE IUS 2020 Conference is scheduled to be held as planned, beginning September 7th.
The conference will be a hybrid event, with both in-person and online participation. The safety and well-being of all conference participants is a top priority. IUS 2020 continues to monitor official travel advisories related to COVID-19 and the event website is frequently updated to keep participants informed. Please review the conference’s “Travel and Safety Information” page for the latest tips and travel recommendations.
The organizing committee led by General Co-Chairs Paul Reynolds and Scott Smith is working hard to ensure seamless delivery of technical presentations, whether in-person or virtual, combined with a wide range of online interaction and socialization sessions to provide delegates with plentiful opportunities to participate regardless of the attendance method. There will be a substantial discount to the registration fees for online attendance, and changes between physical presence and online-only registration will be possible up to the first day of the conference at no penalty.
Technical Program Highlights:
Despite the COVID-19 challenges, the conference program is rich. Technical Program Committee (TPC) Co-Chairs Paul Dayton and Omer Oralkan collaborated with 180 TPC members and prepared an exciting program. IEEE IUS 2020 will host 30 invited talks, 13 short courses and five special sessions. These spotlight sessions include Hardware-enabled Computational Advances; Integrated/Portable Systems; MEMS; Wearable Systems; Electronics and Ultrasound. The plenary speaker is David B. Tanner, University of Florida, who’s presentation is titled: “Advanced LIGO: When black holes collide”.
More than 200 oral (pre-recorded) presentations are scheduled across five parallel tracks. Oral talks will include “live” Q&A with the authors. IEEE IUS 2020 will be using CONFlux from Conference Catalysts as the primary portal and delivery mechanism for video content. Over 900 Poster presentations will be accessible via ePosters from Kubify. The ePosters format has extensive options for video, audio and data which will enhance author – audience engagement.
Student Paper Competition
This is the 20th year of the student paper competition which was initiated at the 2001 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The award consists of a certificate and represents a prestigious recognition of the student’s achievement. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) have selected 18 finalists (6 from Group I, and 3 from each of Groups II to V) for the Student Paper Competition. The finalists are asked to produce an ePoster of their papers to be displayed during a special student poster session in the virtual platform.
Challenge on Ultrasound Beamforming with Deep Learning (CUBDL)
A Challenge on Ultrasound Beamforming with Deep Learning (CUBDL) will be offered as part of IEEE IUS 2020. Recent developments in deep learning have created immense potential for ultrasound imaging research. CUBDL is designed to explore the benefits of using deep learning for both focused and plane wave transmissions. All accepted participants are required to prepare an e-poster for presentation during the CUBDL workshop at IEEE IUS on September 8, 2020. The top finishers will receive a cash prize sponsored by Verasonics.
Important Dates:
- Video Presentation Deadline August 7, 2020
- e-Poster Completion Deadline August 28, 2020
- Short Courses Begin September 6, 2020
- Proceedings Paper Submission Deadline September 7, 2020
- Technical Program Begins September 8, 2020
Please check the website https://2020.ieee-ius.org/ for the latest updates, final program details and COVID-19 travel advisories.