IEEE UFFC IUS Medical Ultrasonics Technical Program Committee – Call for New Members
Application Deadline: February 22, 2021.
The IEEE UFFC International Ultrasonics Symposium, Medical Ultrasonics (Group 1) Technical Program Committee (TPC) currently consists of 82 experts from the academic and industrial communities. The Group 1 TPC plays a key role in the organization of the UFFC Society’s premier meeting, the International Ultrasonics Symposium. As part of this process, TPC members actively contribute to a number of operations. Key activities include: objective review of abstract submissions, selection of invited speakers, organization of the student paper competition, assembly of the conference program schedule, and planning of special sessions.
Group 1 TPC will continue to expand in 2021 and is now seeking new members to join the committee. Applications will be accepted until February 22, 2021. We are particularly interested in candidates who will bring expertise to one or more of Medical Ultrasonics technical disciplines (listed below) and those who will show strong commitment to contribute to the IEEE UFFC IUS and various committee operations.
Qualified candidates from academia and/or industry are welcome to apply. Academia-based candidates should be independent researchers with an established laboratory (typically 5-10 years after PhD) and excellent research standing as a principal investigator in one or more topics of medical ultrasonics. Industry-based candidates should have a history of technical involvement and/or leadership in developing new medical ultrasound technology.
Interested candidates should send their CV to the current Medical Ultrasonics Vice-Chair, Jeffrey Ketterling, (Click to show email). All candidate CVs will be reviewed by current TPC members. New members will be selected based on their professional excellence in medical ultrasonics, as determined through a voting process. Candidates will be informed of the results by early March 2021.
Current list of TPC members:
Group 1 Medical Ultrasonics Technical Disciplines
MBB Medical Beamforming and Beam Steering
MBE Biological Effects & Dosimetry
MBF Blood Flow Measurement
MCA Contrast Agents
MEL Elasticity
MIM Medical Imaging
MIS Medical Image and Signal Processing
MPA Medical Photoacoustics
MSD System & Device Design
MTC Medical Tissue Characterization
MTH Therapeutics, Hyperthermia, and Surgery
MTN Theranostics