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Looking for a Deputy UFFC-S Newsletter Editor-in-Chief

December 13, 2020 | Contributed By - S. Lori Bridal, Newsletter Editor in Chief
4 years 3 months ago
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If you would like to work with a dynamic team and help keep UFFC-S members up-to-date on recent events related to the society, would you like to volunteer as a deputy newsletter Editor-in-Chief?

The UFFC-S newsletter Editor-in-Chief regroups, edits and publishes the UFFC-S news on the society’s website. The newsletter editors for Ferroelectrics, Frequency Control and Ultrasonics as well as  the Publicity chair work in close coordination with the newsletter Editor-in-Chief to search out and prepare news items for publication.

Candidates should have:

  • good proof-reading and editing skills
  • strong interest to communicate about every aspect of the UFFC society
  • creative ideas about how to better serve the UFFC-S membership with the newsletter
  • readiness to learn how to format the copy for web publication
  • robust organization and archiving practices
  • any member level in UFFC-S (student, regular …)

Time investment:

  • variable – but at most a few hours per week
  • attendance of Adcom meetings

Deputy position:

To learn the ropes, deputies will work with the current newsletter Editor-in-Chief and the team.

If you are interested please send a few words describing your motivations and background in relation to this volunteer position.

Please submit this information to Zuleima Davis, UFFC-S Operations Manager, at (Click to show email) no later than February 15th, 2021.