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Executive Committee Spotlight - Lori Bridal

Get to know the UFFC-S VP of Publications, Lori Bridal.
1 year 2 months ago
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Enrico Grisan and Lori Bridal
Lori Bridal with co-Chair Enrico Grisan of the 2022 International Ultrasonics Symposium in Venice, Italy.


Name: Lori Bridal

Lab/Institution/Company: Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, CNRS

What you are currently working on at your lab/institute/job?: 

I am a CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) senior researcher and the director of the Laboratoire d’Imagerie Biomédicale in Paris. The laboratory unites 53 academic and clinical researchers and 34 PhD students working together to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic methods that call upon a large range of biomedical imaging modalities to confront key public health challenges related to musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurological disease and cancer. My own research is focused on the extraction and mapping of quantitative indexes related to the intrinsic properties of biological tissue using parameters that can be measured with ultrasonic techniques including elastography, quantitative ultrasound (QUS), contrast-enhanced ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging. These measurements are used to assess mechanical, microstructural and microvascular characteristics as well as the oxygen saturation in hemoglobin. This complementary information and the heterogeneity of these properties within structures such as solid tumors can be used to improve diagnosis and therapeutic follow-up.   

Why do you volunteer with UFFC-S?: 

Initially, I volunteered because a respected college told me that more people working in ultrasound needed to be involved in the administrative council of the IEEE UFFC society. I soon learned that volunteering provided a great means to contribute to the animation of the society, for example, by promoting forums for professional exchange (such as WIE, the society newsletter and journals) and by helping in conference organization. Working on society-related tasks with colleagues from all over the world has allowed me to learn skills that have made me more effective within the society and that have also contributed to my own organizational and communication skills.

Have you won any recent awards or accolades?:

In 2021, I was very honored to receive the IEEE UFFC Distinguished Service Award for “outstanding and sustained service to Society operations, symposia management and enhancing communications within the IEEE UFFC-S community”. I’m sure there are many volunteers who deserve such an award as much or more than I, but I have hung the plaque proudly in my office, nevertheless!

A Note from Lori:

I will always consider myself to be among the most fortunate people in the world - able to work in a field that I love and interact with so many bright and motivated people every day.