Thomas Mikolajick
Thomas Mikolajick
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Thomas Mikolajick received the Dipl.-Ing. and the Dr.-Ing. In electrical engineering in 1990 and 1996 both from the University Erlangen-Nuremberg. From 1996 till 2006 he was in semiconductor industry (Siemens Semiconductor, Infineon, Qimonda) developing CMOS processes and memory devices with a strong focus on nonvolatile memories. In 2006 he was appointed professor for material science of electron devices at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Since 2009 he is a professor for nanoelectronics at TU Dresden and in parallel the scientific director of NaMLab GmbH. He is author or co-author of more than 500 publications (current h-index of 77 according to google scholar) and inventor or co-inventor in more than 50 patent families. He is listed as a highly cited researcher in the 2022 edition of Clarivate´s highly cited researchers list. In 2018 he served as the general chair of the IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC conference in Dresden and in 2020/21/22 as the local chair and in 2023 as the general chair of the IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW). From 2010 till 2019 he was the speaker of the BMBF leading edge cluster “Cool Silicon”. Currently he he is one of the speakers of the center for advancing electronics Dresden (cfaed). Since 2019 he is also the speaker of the BMBF ForLab consortium. He is a member of IEEE since 1999 and received the senior membership status in 2009. From 2023 on he will be an IEEE Fellow for “Contributions to Nonvolatile Memory”.
- 2023 IEEE Fellow