Award/Recognition Menu


To recognize a seminal paper in the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control published within the past decade that is deemed to have sustained influence and impact in one or more fields of ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.


$500 for each author, up to a maximum of $2,000 for an awarded paper with multiple authors. If there are more than 4 authors, the total prize of $2,000 will be equally shared between all authors. One plaque will be presented and a certificate will be issued to each of the co-authors.


Funded by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society


Presented aperiodically at one of the UFFC-S sponsored symposia (i.e., IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Symposium on Application of Ferroelectrics, or IEEE Frequency Control Symposium). The choice of symposium for presentation will be determined by the UFFC-S Awards Chair in agreement with the authors of the selected paper.

Historical Background

Established in 2023.

Basis for Judging

Selection will be based upon multiple criteria, including long-term and year-over-year impact, novelty, significance, rigor, writing quality, and the paper’s influence in the journal’s served communities.


Authors of full-length original research papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control from at least 5 years ago but no earlier than 10 years ago are eligible. For example, for an award year Y, authors of full-length research papers published in the years between Y-5 and Y-10 are eligible for consideration. The focus of consideration is on full-length original research; review papers, tutorial papers, and research letters are not eligible. It is not requested for authors of eligible papers to be members of IEEE and UFFC-S.

No recipients available.