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Student Job Seeking Skills at IUS 2022

Students at IUS 2022
2 years 3 months ago
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Contributed by: Maryam Basij and Yashwanth Nanda Kumar, IEEE UFFC-S Student Representatives

Student Job-Seeking Skills

A picture containing website

The Job Seeking Skills event was organized on Wednesday, October 12, 7:30-8:30 CEST during the 2022 International Ultrasonics Symposium as a hybrid event (in-person and online) simultaneously. This event was a collaboration between the IUS student representatives and the Industry engagement group and provided student attendees with the valuable opportunity to have their CV’s evaluated and practice job interview sessions with industry and academic professionals. Each student was paired with 2-3 professionals during this event and were given 5-15 minutes to interact one on one with them for CV evaluation, mock interview, or both. The assignment and timeslots were determined ahead of the event for all the attendees and the student CVs were also sent to the professionals ahead of time ensuring efficient use of time during the event.

At the start of the event, the professionals were available at their table/ online zoom meeting room with their names and affiliation. Each student found their paired professional names also displayed on the screen. On the completion of one session, the students moved on to meet the next professional across tables/ zoom meeting rooms. Due to the really early in-person start, the attendees were provided with breakfast which was received well.

Dining Area at IUS 2022
Event snack table IUS 2022

Images containing table, indoor, dining room

Overall, students as well as professionals really enjoyed the opportunity to connect in-person and virtually during this event. In a post-event survey, all respondents indicated that they would like to see this event be held at future IUS conferences. One of the student attendees responded with the following feedback: “Very interesting for students to have insights on how to connect with industry“. Professionals who attended this event also found the event to be fun interesting and a great opportunity to meet future employees/students for them.

Job Seeking Skills Feedback IUS 2022

Feedback from IUS 2022 Job Seeking Skills participants

Thank you to everyone who participated in the IUS 2022 Job Seeking Skills event! Stay tuned for more information on new and exciting student events at IEEE IUS 2023.