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Call for Nominations - UFFC-S Elected AdCom Members Term 2023-2025

Applications are due by 31 October 2022
2 years 5 months ago
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The IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S) Nominations Committee seek nominations of outstanding members of the Society to be considered for election to its Administration Committee (AdCom), for a three-year term of office from January 2023 to December 2025. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2022 by 11:59 PM EDT (UTC -4:00).

The UFFC-S AdCom is the highest governing body of UFFC-S. All elected AdCom members are expected to attend in person or virtually both annual AdCom meetings. Additionally, the elected AdCom members are expected to actively serve within one of the AdCom Standing committees or appropriate Ad Hoc Committees.

Four Elected AdCom Members will be elected from the slate of candidates on the ballot, one from each of the following: (i) Ultrasonics; (ii) Ferroelectrics; (iii) Frequency Control; and (iv) IEEE Regions 8-10 (Region 8: Europe/Africa; Region 9: South America; and Region 10: Asia/Pacific).

Please submit nominations to Colleen Brick, UFFC-S Operations Manager, at (Click to show email).

  1. Nominations will be accepted from the general membership.
  2. Self-nominations are accepted and highly encouraged.
  3. The following information and documents are required from the nominees:
    • Full contact information
      • First and Last Names
      • Affiliation and physical address (including country)
      • Email address
      • Phone number
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV), highlighting previous involvement with UFFC, IEEE, or any other professional organization.
    • Statement of Interest
    • IEEE Membership Number