The Committee shall have representation from the three Society technical areas. In the event of the unavailability or conflict of interest of the Junior Past President, the most recent Past Chair of the Nominations Committee or an available Past President of the UFFC-S shall be the Chair of the Nominations Committee. In extenuating circumstances, a different individual may be appointed to this position. The Chair shall not be eligible to stand for election for the position of Elected AdCom Member or President-Elect during his/her term of service.The Committee shall annually prepare a slate of nominees for election to AdCom, as prescribed in Section 3 of the Society bylaws. A Nominations Committee Member may not be a nominee for another AdCom position for which the Committee is responsible for making nominations, unless the Member resigns from the Committee prior to its first meeting of the year in which the nomination shall be made.
Nominations Committee
Personal Gender Pronouns
Drexel University
IEEE Region
Region 02 (Eastern U.S.)