Alireza Baghai-Wadji
Alireza Baghai-Wadji
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Alireza Baghai-Wadji is Professor Emeritus at Univ. of Cape Town (UCT). Previously, he was Program Director and Assistant Dean with UCT. He holds M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in telecom. Eng., and the D.Sc. (Doctor of Science) degree in physical electronics from the Vienna Univ. of Tech. (VUT). He has been honored with the D.Sc. degree in materials science and quantum physics from Aalto Univ., Finland. Since 2012 he has been with UCT. He was 2005–2012 Prof. and Discipline Head with RMIT Univ., Melbourne, Australia. From 1979-2005 he was with VUT: Assoc. Prof., Docent, Ass. Prof., Res. Fellow, and Res. Associate. He has occupied resident academic, executive, distinguished visiting prof., and principal Eng. consultant positions on five continents accumulating vast experience in both academia and high-tech industry. Since 1997 he has been Assoc. Editor for IEEE-UFFC. He was twice Guest Editor for IEEE-UFFC Trans. Since 2019 he has been Assoc. Editor for the Appl. Comp. Electromag. Soc. (ACES). He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed journal and conf. proceedings and delivered more than 120 invited, plenary, and keynote speeches. He is the owner of one patent in the USA. He has instructed 33 short courses sponsored by IEEE or ACES. He was a Nokia Fellow and was awarded the prestigious Austrian Kurt Goedel Fellowship three times. His has developed original math. tools for zooming in the ultra near-fields in miniaturized acoustic-, electronic-, photonic, plasmonic-, and quantum devices. He is Honorary Mem. and Fellow of Electromag. Academy, USA, and has been listed in Who-is-Who in Electromag. He is Honorary Prof. at Amity Univ., Noida, India, and Adjunct Prof. at Vellore Inst. of Tech., Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.